Hello everyone, I am pleased to announce the release of the romeo[1] stack for ROS. This stack is a joint work with François Keith. Romeo is a 143-cm humanoid robot designed by Aldebaran Robotics[2]. Its full description is available here: http://projetromeo.com/romeo-documentation/index.html The romeo stack contains the URDF model of this robot and its associated meshes. This robot is AFAIK the first humanoid robot whose full description is freely available in ROS (i.e. kinematic chain, dynamic information and meshes). We would like to thank Aldebaran Robotics for authorizing us to publish these data. The package is still not yet complete (we are missing the hands, the eyes and the sensors position for instance) but we will be updating it as soon as possible. We wlll also provide SRDF and contact zones information (see rcpdf stack[3]). [1] http://ros.org/wiki/romeo [2] http://www.aldebaran-robotics.com/ [3] http://ros.org/wiki/rcpdf Best, -- Thomas Moulard