On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 5:24 AM, marco.cognetti@libero.it wrote: > Hi all, > it is a simple question but I see that there is no topic on it. I have a topic > on which a publisher is publishing data (string) with a queue of 10 messages. > > On the other side, I want to subscribe it through a subscriber (with queue 5). > Is there a way to get all messages (or at least the first 5) published on this > topic? I tried with a callback function of the subscriber taking a vector with > no results. > I succeed to do it saving a vector and using the push_back function whenever > the callback is invoked. I don't like so much this solution since if other > methods invokes the spinOnce then the same data are saved on the vector....is > there a smarter way? > > Thanks a lot for any answer, This is a good question for answers.ros.org, please ask it there. Thanks, --  joq