I was looking into this earlier today, because I got confused. It seems that fuerte turtlesim is shipping without any turtle images, which defines the size of a meter in the initial TurtleFrame. Which means that the initial turtle is placed somewhere divided by zero (hence the infinite) Turtlesim looks for the images in /opt/ros/fuerte/share/turtlesim/images but that directory isn't even there. I wasn't sure where to report this bug (I couldn't find a bug tracker for ros_tutorials with a quick look on the wiki page), and not sure if it was reproducible with the Ubuntu install because I installed from source. I would imagine that if you copy the images directory from the source tree (on my system, ros-underlay/ros_tutorials/turtlesim/images) into /opt/ros/fuerte/share/turtlesim it will start working again. Michael Janssen --- Jamuraa --- jamuraa@base0.net On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 10:05 AM, Wes Thierry wrote: > I just setup the ros environment, trying to walk through the tutorials.  I > get to running turtlesim, but the turtle is not visible anywhere in the blue > window.  any help would be great.  here is the output I get: > > wes@wes-G73Jh:~/ros_workspace$ rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node > [ INFO] [1335882178.594059636]: Starting turtlesim with node name /turtlesim > [ INFO] [1335882178.605867456]: Spawning turtle [turtle1] at x=[inf], > y=[inf], theta=[0.000000] > > thanks > wes > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > ros-users@code.ros.org > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users >