Hello, What is the best way to understand the current status of deb builds, and how to react to problems? I have experienced recently several cases where pre-release checks were fine but final debs are in unclear situations. For instance, in [1] I see that executive_teer is in red for oneiric-i386, with no way to know if there is a problem or what it is about. I can see in [2] that all pre-release tests went fine, and therefore I'm left with no other way than spamming this list to understand what's going on ;-( Would it be possible to improve the user-friendlyness of status reports such as [1] so that release managers for non-wg stacks could be more autonomous? Thank you, kind regards, Stéphane [1] http://www.ros.org/debbuild/electric.html [2] http://build.willowgarage.com/view/pre-release/ -- Dr Stéphane Magnenat http://stephane.magnenat.net