On 06/18/2012 05:06 PM, Jack O'Quin wrote: > Problems with people trying to build PCL from source to run with ROS > are very common on answers.ros.org. > > Their usual motives are: > > 1) getting a more recent version than shipped with the ROS distro > > 2) needing to fulfill the rosdep dependency on some non-Ubuntu system > > We need a clear, well-documented method to accomplish that task. I'm working towards solving issue 2, as it was the one we encountered trying to create ROS packages for Fedora. It took us the better part of a week to figure out where the source for the Ubuntu debs was coming from. Given that, it made sense to make the PCL downloaded from pointclouds.org compatible with ROS, especially since the changes are so minimal. But either way, there isn't very much documentation on this front; perhaps the pcl stack's wiki page could be updated with at least a pointer to the pcl-wg repository or pcl rosinstall directions for those who want to install from source. Rich