Hi everybody, I'm trying to make an app for labeling LaserScans, e.g. left leg of person A, using librviz (fuerte). I planed to use the "Select" tool and add a few widgets that would enable the actual labeling of the selection, but just getting to a proof-of-concept that would display underlying LaserScan message data from the selection proved to be rather difficult. In order to get to the proof-of-concept I also had to export "-I${prefix}/src/rviz/" cflag and modify the API in the following way: I moved the rviz::PointCloudSelectionHandler class definition to rviz/default_plugin/point_cloud_base.h and made it's getCloudAndLocalIndexByGlobalIndex method public. To use it, I also had to make rviz::PointCloudBase::CloudInfoPtr public. Could this be done more elegantly? What would be the best way to use "Select" tool in an librviz app. Best regards, Srećko Jurić-Kavelj, dipl.ing. (Ms.E.E) Research and Teaching Assistant at University of Zagreb (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Department of Control and Computer Engineering) Phone: +385 (0)1 6129 561 Fax: +385 (0)1 6129 809 E-mail: srecko.juric-kavelj@fer.hr URL: http://www.fer.hr/srecko.juric-kavelj Sanctus Hieronymus: "Parce mihi, Domine, quia dalmata sum!"