Dear ROS community, my name is Felix Kaser and I'm currently working on my master thesis at the robotics lab of Auckland University in New Zealand. The thesis concludes the Software Engineering master program I am currently part of at TU Munich, University of Augsburg and LMU Munich. My supervisors are Prof. Bruce MacDonald in Auckland and Prof. Reif in Augsburg. During the last months I was trying to figure out how robot developers are debugging their software and how to improve the way they are doing so. After exploring some low level concepts like tracepoints I decided for various reasons that a higher level approach is more suitable for my master thesis. Coming from an Android development background I use Androids logging framework a lot to debug Android apps. ROS has a logging framework as well which can be used to log and debug algorithms. What I dislike about current logging approaches is the text-only representation of data. Staring at numbers scrolling down in a console is not really the easiest way to find bugs. I've developed a graphical tool which can be used to visualize basic data (string, float, integer) in a graphical way. It is extremely easy to set up and to configure to display data from an existing topic or one of the debugging specific topics. To publish data to a topic in an easy way I've created an API which wraps the publishing logic into single calls. You can find the code here: I've started writing a documentation in form of a wiki on github as well: I would love to get as much feedback as possible, in order to improve the tool and contribute to the ROS community. Best regards, Felix Kaser