+1 On 07/19/12 08:26, Mac Mason wrote: > On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 6:04 PM, David Lu!! wrote: >> Is there any interest in a uservoice-like suggestions page for the ROS >> Community at large? > +1 > > With the following caveat: we have a lot of different ways to ask for > help (this list, other lists, answers.ros.org, etc.); we should put > some thought into how people's questions should be directed. "Which > package should I use to do X?" is probably for answers, for example. > "I want elevator support for my PR2" doesn't fit well in either > answers or on this list, so this new tool would be good. I agree that these suggestions or requests don't fit anywhere > > The easiest (and probably best) solution to this is to have ros.org > have a page for "Getting help" that helps people categorize their > question and tells them where to ask. > > --M > -- Martí Morta Garriga. Support Engineer. Institut de Robōtica i Informātica Industrial (UPC-CSIC)