Hello ROS users. Most of the data produced on robot systems today is volatile: it is acquired, processed, and discarded. With this mail, we announce the monogodb_log package [1], which is a generic logging facility to store any and all data transmitted via topics to the document-oriented, schema-free database MongoDB [2]. The big advantage of this package compared to mongo_ros is that it keeps the message type structure for the documents in the database (see [1] for an example), allowing for more selective and efficient queries. The conceptual background and experimental and benchmark results are detailed in our IROS paper [3]. The project website [4] gives more details on the system and provides all relevant links to the ROS and Fawkes specific pages, the paper and more. We welcome anybody interested to use the system, contribute enhancements and extensions, and implement exciting applications of the database and making use of the stored data in new ways. This work is the result of a cooperation of the Personal Robotics Lab at The Robotics Institute of the Carnegie Mellon University and the Knowledge-based Systems Group at the RWTH Aachen University. Regards from Aachen, Tim [1] http://ros.org/wiki/mongodb_log [2] http://www.mongodb.org [3] http://www.fawkesrobotics.org/publications/2012/robodb-iros2012/ [4] http://www.fawkesrobotics.org/projects/mongodb-log/ -- KBSG - Knowledge-based Systems Group AllemaniACs RoboCup Team ======================================================================== http://robocup.rwth-aachen.de RWTH Aachen University http://kbsg.rwth-aachen.de Ahornstrasse 55 http://www.fawkesrobotics.org D-52056 Aachen