On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 6:43 PM, Tully Foote wrote: > For the old style debs it's unfortunately cumbersome. What you need to do > is identify the rosdistro, distro, arch and find that job on > build.willowgarage.com. Ala > http://build.willowgarage.com/job/debbuild-build-debs-fuerte-precise-i386/ > The job is parameterized. It's either run with a specific stack name or ALL > as a parameter. You want to find the most recent ALL job that failed. To > find the parameter you need to click on a specific job instance: for example > 470 > http://build.willowgarage.com/job/debbuild-build-debs-fuerte-precise-i386/470/ > and then click on the parameters button to show the parameters. It shows > ALL. Then click on the [raw] button for the console output and find where > it started building your package. ( A shortcut to finding the ALL builds is > usually that they are red, when individual releases ususally are blue. ) > > If it's a compile failure you can look for [FAIL] but if it's a packaging > issues unfortunately you need to search for the name of the stack. Thanks for the pointer. Looking at that one, about all I see is this (which does not tell much). Where is the pbuilder output? =================== [build_debs]: selecting [velodyne] because [ros-fuerte-velodyne, 0.9.1-\w*~precise] not in repo [build_debs]: Attempting to build: ('velodyne', '0.9.1') [build_debs]: Initiating build of: ('velodyne', '0.9.1') [build_debs]: Actually trying to build velodyne-0.9.1... [build_debs]: starting pbuilder build of velodyne-0.9.1 [build_debs]: Build of [('velodyne', '0.9.1')] failed, adding to broken list [build_debs]: looking for next stack to build. Current deps list is ======================= Before Fuerte, I was always able to solve problems like this using the pre-release tests. Now they no longer seem to work. -- joq