On Sun, Aug 5, 2012 at 8:04 PM, Tully Foote wrote: > Hi All, > > Last month we ran into some problems when we were using two different > release mechanisms for installing code. There was a thread on ros-users you > can find in the archives [1] The primary issue was that some packages were > coming from apt and some from pip resulting in an apt-get update being able > to break the working system as the pip based packages would not get updated > at the same time. > > The cleanest solution is to stop using both pip and apt on the same system. > Thus I announce that all the packages which we were previously recommending > using pip to install are now available through apt on Ubuntu and using apt > is the recommended way to install them. > > If you have previously installed using pip it is recommended to uninstall > using pip the tools now available through apt. I will attach instructions > for uninstalling these tools below. > > These tools include, rospkg, rosdep, rosinstall, vcstools, and rosrelease. > In apt they are named python-PACKAGENAME, such as python-rospkg. > > Tully > > > [1] > https://code.ros.org/lurker/thread/20120705.075600.163311e9.en.html#i20120705.075600.163311e9 > > > Uninstallation Instructions: > > If you have pip installed a package you can use pip to uninstall the package > if you have pip version 1.1 or greater. > > sudo pip uninstall PACKAGE_NAME > > Caveats, on machines like lucid are that you will have to `pip install pip` > to get the new version. Also pip uninstall regularly leaves scripts in > /usr/local/bin after uninstalling it is recommended to remove any > executable from /usr/local/bin starting with ros such as rosws rosco > rosinstall... If you have installed something else starting with the ros > name be careful, and possibly leave it alone. > > If you are having trouble with any scripts you can type 'which SCRIPTNAME` > to determine which executable is being run. If it's in /usr/local/bin you > are still using the pip based version. All of the apt based tools will be > in /usr/bin. I tried to follow your instructions, but am having some problems. All the python-* packages installed OK except this one: $ sudo apt-get install python-rosrelease Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package python-rosrelease Pip said it uninstalled all the pypi packages, but pip freeze still mentions vcstools, and rosinstall does not seem to have been cleared out properly: $ rosws ERROR Cannot find rosinstall libraries, check your installation. One frequent cause is that rosinstall 0.5 is still installed in /usr/local/lib. No module named rosinstall.rosws_cli joq@vision-4:osm_cartography$ which rosws /usr/bin/rosws All this just underscores the importance of the new Debian install recommendation. My system was updated many times using pip and easy_install and seems to be badly broken at this point. Looks like I am going to be deleting /usr/local files by hand until something starts to work again. -- joq