A new package: rosserial_embeddedlinux, that's part of the rosserial stack and gives embedded linux systems the ability to run ROS nodes is now available. With the rosserial_embeddedlinux package, you can use ROS with Linux systems that don't or can't run full-blown ROS. The package provides a ROS communication protocol that works over your embedded linux system's wifi or network connection (or its serial port) and communicates with a ROS message proxy running on a native ROS system. It allows your embedded linux system to run apps that are close to full fledged ROS nodes that can publish and subscribe to ROS topics, provide services, and get the ROS system time over any of the supported connection types. Rosserial_embeddedlinux extends the rosserial_arduino code that enabled arduino to present a ros node. It supports multiple nodes. A description of the architecture and overview is on the wiki here: http://ros.org/wiki/rosserial_embeddedlinux Tutorials including installation, and hardware-neutral and vendor-specific examples are here: http://ros.org/wiki/rosserial_embeddedlinux/Tutorials The package is general purpose, and not tied to any particular hardware vendor. Access to the source code and bug tracker is provided on kforge here: https://kforge.ros.org/projects/rosserial/ ROS indexer maintainers, please add this package to the indexer. Thanks to Mike Ferguson and Tully Foote for their encouragement at ROSCON to build this. Regards Paul Bouchier Dallas Personal Robotics Group