Hello, I am working on the release of our modular ICP pipeline [1] (2D and 3D), which provides a mapping-style interface. While doing so, I realized that some features are commonly available in mapping packages, like getting the latest version of the map or reseting it. However, I have not find any standard to do so. Worst, while for 2D there is a message nav_msgs::GetMap, there is no standard equivalent in 3D. To allow easy interoperability between packages doing the same thing, it is important to have these. So here are my suggestions: - To add a GetPointMap message similar to GetMap but taking a PointCloud2 instead of an OccupancyGrid. This could either be added to nav_msgs or to something new like nav3d_msgs or map3d_msgs within common_msgs. - To define a standard interface for interacting with mapping packages. If we consider existing packages, (for instance gmapping, hector_mapping), there is a "dynamic_map" service that returns the latest map. While this naming is strange, it is the closest thing to a standard that we have. Should we extend it in 3D to have a dynamic_point_map service? Also, should we generalize the "syscommand" topic, which is a bit awkward, or maybe add something like a "reset" service? We might also want to save and load maps. Comments welcome, I think it would be great if we could improve the interoperability of mapping packages. Stéphane [1] http://www.ros.org/wiki/modular_cloud_matcher -- Dr Stéphane Magnenat http://stephane.magnenat.net