Dear ROS-users, Following up on the interest in 6D localization after my ROSCon talk about "ROS for Humanoid Robots", there is now a new package "humanoid_localization" available in the humanoid_navigation stack: It enables Monte Carlo localization in a 3D OctoMap based on laser, odometry, and IMU to estimate the full 6D torso pose of a humanoid. With some modifications, the code may also be relevant e.g. for UAVs. Directs support for point clouds from a depth camera will appear soon, and the wiki page will also get some final documentation updates. Relevant publication: A. Hornung, K. M. Wurm, and M. Bennewitz. "Humanoid Robot Localization in Complex Indoor Environments", IROS 2010. As always, feedback and comments are welcome! Best regards, -- Armin Hornung Humanoid Robots Lab, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Contact: