Hi, I would like to write this mail in a constructive, positive way, so please, understand my complaints as "warnings" to improve ROS. I have spent a lot of hours trying to package ROS fuerte for a Debian distro (Squeeze), and I have to admit that I desist. First because the difficulties to package a version of ROS that probably will expire soon (November: Groovy release?). Second, to package a version of ROS that has a lot of issues (pcl, perception ...) means a lot of work patching at least to have something that compile!!! I understand the gentoo guy about the question of download source tarballs. My feeling is that ROS is overflowed of repos, versions, packages, etc. I admit that I don't understand the policy of the releases of ROS. I have found several versions of ros-fuerte. For example, I could compile pcl_percepcion from a version of source of July (with a pcl1.5) but I couldn't repeat the same in September. Ros install download a different version. Also, not obey fhs structure is a problem. I hope that catkin could help to solve that issue. As a Debian user, and amateur packager I try to follow the Debian guidelines. There are very good. I have packaged ros-fuerte-base and ros-fuerte-rx, but I have stuck with the stacks, specially perception_pcl. I don't know if in general, the ROS users just use Ubuntu and make apt-get and doesn't take any more question and just to develop their robotics application. Maybe it's just because I do a half robotic /system job but maintain a group of boxes (worst in a multiuser environment) with ROS it's not easy. So, it does worthwhile to spend more time to try to have a Fuerte version for Squeeze and up? Or it's better to wait and concentrate effortss in Groovy? Regards, Leopold -- -- Linux User 152692 Catalonia