Thanks for pointing me to your driver Kevin. I'll take a look at it. About the stability issues of openni, here is my personal take on the matter. I believe necessary action has been taken by members of the ROS community. This thread captures a lot of it: Unfortunately, I was unable to get any of the solutions to work. At this time, I am not sure what the next best step is. libfreenect is considerably simpler, easier to follow through, and does not launch a separate daemon. More importantly, I can get it to work. This might not be the best reason, but I found the libfreenect based kinect_camera stack back in diamondback quite stable and easy to use. Ever since the move to OpenNI, I have seen problems because of driver instability or API transitions. This has led me to believe (perhaps erroneously) that a libfreenect based driver will be more stable. The caveat of course is that you cannot use other primesense devices through the same driver, but I don't think this is a big issue. Piyush, On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 10:12 PM, Edwards, Shaun M. wrote: > > Is there a reason you didn't address the stability issues in the openni driver instead of switching to the libfreenect? > > By the way I think this is a critical issue. Many people use the kinect and having an unstable driver in ROS is a big black eye. > > Sent from my mobile phone