Hi there, on 18th of October Ubuntu12.10 has reached final status. With it the first time morse-simulator ships in version 0.6alpha as you can see here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=morse-simulator&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all This is a remarkable progress for open source robotting. The morse project is build on top of the 3D modeler blender and far beyond this the project is directed to integrate other software for robotting as easy as it can be, also ROS(and some others). The morse project itself link direct to ROS usage with one(may be more - I have not seen all)tutorial for practically doing: http://www.openrobots.org/morse/doc/latest/user/advanced_tutorials/hri_tutorial_blender.html I have seen that you provide a repository for ROS which is adapted to Ubuntu12.04. Is it possible for you to adapt the packages and repositories to Ubuntu12.10? Would you be interested to provide packages direct for the next development round of Ubuntu13.04(release 6 month from now)? I think it would be make the thinks easier for users to have it on one platform, especially on setup. The other way around Ubuntu has automatically bug-reporting, which makes it easier for developers to see code misbehavior by automatic notification. greetings melchiaros