Hi all, We've been working on a new Linux based controller for the HUBO2 series of robots and various ROS packages have been developed. There is still lots of work to be done, and it hasn't been decided if the hardware API and ROS packages will all be open source. The purpose of this announcement is to encourage support from other research groups, so if you want to use ROS on your HUBO, please get in contact. There are now HUBO2 robots at KAIST and SNU in Korea, UESTC in China, Drexel, MIT, CMU, Virginia Tech, USC, Ohio State, Purdue and Penn in the United States, and I2R in Singapore, so this common hardware and software platform should advance the capabilities of humanoid robots, similar to what has been seen with the PR2. For more information and links, see: http://www.ros.org/wiki/Robots/HUBO I apologise if the external websites are slow to access, they are currently hosted on-campus. Regards, David Butterworth. Humanoid Robot Research Center http://hubolab.kaist.ac.kr KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology) Daejeon, Republic of Korea http://www.kaist.edu