Your readme misses that the job now is named distro specific, e.g. 'roscore-fuerte'. For those also unfamiliar with upstart: type 'status '. Thanks again for that package! Felix 2012/10/19 Thomas Moulard : > Dear all, > I have updated the roscomm_upstart page to add Ubuntu packages for > Fuerte and Groovy. > > You can find the new versions here: > > > The full project description is in the README: > --------------------------- > ros_comm_upstart > This project is a native Debian package, i.e. the only way to use it > is through the generated Debian package. > > They can be found on the Downloads section of the GitHub project: > > > Download the last version > Install it: $ sudo dpkg -i > ./ros-{electric,fuerte,groovy}-ros-comm-upstart_*_all.deb > Enjoy! > roscore is now available as a service running as a separate user. > > The Debian package creates a user and a group called 'ros'. The system > user home directory is '/var/lib/ros'. > > As any other upstart service, it can be controlled as follow: > * start: start roscore > * stop: stop roscore > * restart: restart roscore > * status: status roscore > The log files are stored in /var/log/ros and cleaned using logrotate regularly. > > The roscore process id is stored in /var/run/ > > Uninstalling the package will not delete the user not the group. You > have to do it manually. The user home directory as well as the logs > will also remain on the filesystem. > > Use the GitHub issue tracker to report feedbacks and bugs: > > > Best, > -- > Thomas Moulard > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > >