On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 5:28 PM, Gabriel Casulari da Motta Ribeiro wrote: > Thomas, > > I tested the validator with my own urdf files and I have some comments. Great! Sorry for the delay in answering your mail. > My robots were using gazebo extension to define some cameras and lasers, > and as expected these aren't validated. I undestand the conceptual changes > on the urdf definitions and the use of the Sensor type, but this is not > defined on the schema too. Is it intentional? Why? Well, because in the ideal case I would like to make seperate scheme for each extension and make a proper use of XML namespaces to keep them separated. However, in the current state of the parser I am not sure whether if this is possible or not. As this is a more of a mid-term goal you can send me a pull request for a patch implementing this. > The other comment is about the sensor attributes for laser, there is no > min and max range for distance readings. I think this information is > important to define which sensor is used and select the application. You mean changing the urdf c++ parser to add this attribute? Then I am not the one to decide here and I'll let the URDF authors commenting this. (if I misunderstood and you mean that this attribute is already standard, aka somewhere in the wiki and supported by the parser, then go ahead and send a pull request) -- Thomas Moulard