Hello everyone! > On the contrary, I think that these could be directly displayed in RViz > by picking the bare PointCloud2 contained in the message, and manually > setting the correct size for the Billboard voxels. It's not optimal, but > should work for a quick visualization. Ok, this works for visualization, but is a bit limiting for other types of use; anyway, I think that given the rest of the discussion this question is not critical right now. > Although what I meant was just to not enforce a certain output for *all* > 3D SLAM nodes, just the least common denominator (registered point > clouds). Otherwise all of them needed to create voxel maps that not > everyone has a use for... with point clouds you could always plug the > output into a (voxel) mapper (with known poses) node to create the > desired output if needed. I was never imagining to force all SLAM nodes to create a voxel map, that is why I introduced the notion of profiles. I was imagining to force all SLAM nodes to produce a point map consisting of points on the edge of the occupied space (i.e. what scans contain), to have a common interface, but even this I am not completely sure yet whether it should be mandatory. So if I understand correctly, even in your SLAM system, the octomap is not used for registration itself, but for processing data afterwards? I added the "3D occupancy map" profile to allow SLAM systems that natively use this form of representation for registration to be able to transmit it further in a standard way. For instance 3DTK [1] does this, maybe we should contact Andreas Nüchter for feedback on this specific point. > Just to clarify: The message can contain either .bt and .ot octomap > files, the former stores only occupied / free while the latter stores > full probabilities. The message was ill-named in fuerte (binary for the > serialization into binary data) but that will be fixed in Groovy: > http://alufr-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/branches/octomap_stacks-groovy-devel/octomap_msgs/msg/Octomap.msg > > Here the header explicitly contains all the information instead of > hiding it in the binary stream. Ok, good. All the best, Stéphane [1] http://slam6d.sourceforge.net/ -- Dr Stéphane Magnenat http://stephane.magnenat.net