Hey folks, After some initial discussion on the ROS mailing list [1], a libfreenect (OpenKinect) based Kinect driver for ROS has been released for Fuerte (freenect_stack) [2]. A system install for the stack is now available. The stack is designed to have the same API as the OpenNI one, and there is an easy migration guide [3] The stack has the the following known limitations: 1) It only supports the Kinect [4] 2) It does not support USB 3.0 [5]. In contrast, OpenNI with a bit of work can be made to work with USB 3.0 [6][7]. I'll continue to maintain the stack. My first priority will be to include USB 3.0 compatibility, which is something I will work on as time permits. Almost all high-end laptops these days only have USB 3.0 ports. If you are facing problems with the stack, please report them on the corresponding bug report page [8]. [1] http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.science.robotics.ros.user/16856 [2] http://www.ros.org/wiki/freenect_stack [3] http://www.ros.org/wiki/freenect_camera?distro=fuerte#Migration_guide [4] http://www.ros.org/wiki/freenect_camera?distro=fuerte#Other_OpenNI_devices [5] https://github.com/piyushk/freenect_stack/issues/5 [6] http://answers.ros.org/question/9179/kinect-and-usb-30/ [7] http://answers.ros.org/question/33622/openni_launch-not-working-in-fuerte-ubuntu-precise-1204/ [8] https://github.com/piyushk/freenect_stack/issues Thanks, Piyush