In rosbuild I was able to use rospkg to grab all of the [cflags, lflags] exports out of a given package's manifest. Is there a plan to add this functionality for catkin packages? My use-case may sound a bit odd: I have been using scons rather than cmake to build packages. The rospkg manifest.xml parsing makes this rather painless (20 lines of python to collect all the build flags). Now with the "exports" buried in cmake files, I don't have a convenient way to access them. In particular, I have code that forwards ROS messages between systems with separate roscore instances. I have to compile in a publisher/subscriber call for each message type so I've found it convenient to auto-generate the HPP/CPP files from a list of message-containing packages (std_msgs, sensor_msgs, etc.) using Python and rospkg. If anyone's curious, here's the scons build code I've been using: import os, rospkg def load_ros_deps(env): pkg_name = os.path.basename(Dir('.').srcnode().abspath) depends = [] for d in map(repr, rospkg.RosPack().get_manifest(pkg_name).depends): depends.append(d) # load exports manifest = rospkg.RosPack().get_manifest(d) for f in [j for j in [manifest.get_export('cpp', i) for i in ['cflags', 'lflags']] if j]: allf = f[0].split('`') for conf in allf[1::2]: env.ParseConfig(conf) env.MergeFlags(env.ParseFlags(' '.join(allf[0::2]))) pkg_path = os.path.dirname(manifest.filename) msg_path = os.path.join(pkg_path, 'msg_gen', 'cpp', 'include') if os.path.exists(msg_path): env.MergeFlags(env.ParseFlags('-I{}'.format(msg_path))) env = Environment( ENV = {'PYTHONPATH': os.environ['PYTHONPATH'], # allow us to call rosboost-cfg 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH': os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH']}, ... ) Certainly I can achieve the same thing with CMake, but I find scons to be much nicer to work with. Thanks, Brian Wightman