First, the right way to pass it to g++ would be as a plain absolute path without any prefix. But when we put that in a .pc file pkg-config screws up when you ask it for "--libs" because it reorders the libraries putting all absolute libraries without a "-l" prefix to the front. Second, we don't want to split absolute paths into "-L" and "-l" because this might lead to wrong libraries being linked (since libraries in previous path specified with "-L" will overlay later ones). Therefore the current version of catkin generates absolute paths with "-l:" which prevents the pkg-config reordering and still works for g++. These packages are current only available in shadow-fixed (public still contains the version from Dec 31th). (The next sync from shadow-fixed to public will happen when non of the released packages are failing which have been released to public before.) Besides: all catkin packages are not using these .pc files at all since all library and include path stuff is passed via find_package() and cmake-config files. - Dirk On 18.01.2013 15:54, Brian Wightman wrote: > Is it standard practice to put the full path to a *.so in a "-l" flag? > > For example in groovy: > > $ pkg-config --libs rospack > -L/opt/ros/groovy/lib > -lrospack > -ltinyxml > -l/usr/lib/ > -l/usr/lib/ > -l/usr/lib/ > -l/usr/lib/ > > Absolute paths can be seen in a good number of standard packages' *.pc files. > > Why can't we simply put [python2.7, boost_filesystem-mt, boost_program_options-mt, boost_system-mt]? > > g++ won't take this format, is cmake magically converting these? > > - Brian > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > >