On 02/01/2013 10:10 AM, William Woodall wrote: > Well its on us that you are having trouble finding documentation and > information about catkin (but we are working on that). Just mentioning some things I have had a hard time finding information about. 1. How do I build just one package using catkin_make? I now that I can cd to the build directory and build there but that is inconvenient. And how do I build one package and its dependencies? 2. How do I mark a package to not be included in the catkin_make build? 3. How are people supposed to be checking out code into work spaces? If I need to make different set of packages available to different people how do I do that? 4. Putting Python script information (according to some webpag) in setup.py will install it in devel and the script will be available in the path (and included python modules will be found) after just make. But C++-binaries have to be run with rosrun. So what is the intended work flow here? Was it wrong of me to install the Python scrips in devel? But if I did not do that I could not find the module files that was included. --------------- But overall I really like catkin and the new build system. It is much faster and since I already knew CMake it is less of non-standard functionality which is very good. /Tommy Persson Linköping University Sweden