Hello folks, I've managed to confuse myself re: getting pcl working in groovy. The tutorials seem to indicate that I want to add pcl and pcl_ros to by build_depends, and then #include "pcl/point_cloud.h" and "pcl_ros/point_cloud.h". However, when I do that, it can't find those headers. The reason it can't is because it's only looking in /opt/ros/groovy/include, and: ls /opt/ros/groovy/include/pcl ModelCoefficients.h PointIndices.h PolygonMesh.h Vertices.h There does appear to be a pcl-1.6, but then pcl_ros doesn't work, because it's also looking for pcl/point_cloud.h. What have I done wrong here? Thanks! --M -- Julian "Mac" Mason mac@cs.duke.edu www.cs.duke.edu/~mac