Hi all, following an general agreement on this being a useful feature, REP 132 has now been deemed ready for the community to vote on. REP132 describes a changelog file format to be used in ROS packages, such that the change notes can be distributed more nicely and hoping that tool support will motivate maintainers to write up changes for new versions in the first place. The only larger controversy was about whether to support changelogs in other places than a CHANGELOG.rst file at the package root, such as changelogs embedded in general text of a README.rst. The majority vote in the small meetings decided to stick with something simple for now, so no other places than CHANGELOG.rst The REP in its current form is here: https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/rep/blob/master/rep-0132.rst Please vote for this feature. More general comments on the rep can also be made here: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/ros-sig-buildsystem/L3nE9X0T2Jk/ML_1JsHLuF0J Thanks to Mirzah Shah who wrote the first version of this REP. regards, Thibault