After deploying the new rosdistro implementation we have reviewed the current prereleases and devel jobs, how they work and their limitations: Devel jobs serve the purpose of continuous integration: * monitors a specific branch/tag in a source repository * is triggered automatically on change * works exactly like prereleases * with a single repository * without performing the depends_on builds/tests Prerelease jobs serve the purpose of regression testing: * triggered manually with a list of repositories * each with a specific version numbers or “latest” (released into gbp) or from source * stage 1: * all packages from the repositories are checked out in a single catkin workspace * if all packages have the build_type catkin * performs “cmake/make” and “make run_tests” on the workspace * else * performs “catkin_make_isolated --install” (without testing) * using two different build methods results in an inconsistent behavior * stage 2: * find all package which directly and indirectly depend on the above packages * checks out all of them in a single workspace * if all packages have the build_type catkin * performs “cmake/make” and “make run_tests” on the workspace * else * errors out Based on that we identified a couple of issues and considered potential changes to improve the functionality: * it is not checkable if a pull request will break building on the farm, even if it would not touch the apt repo a later release of a lower level package would not build completely since the released package could not be rebuild * solution: perform a deploy test on each pull request, a deploy test does the same as the sourcedeb and binarydeb jobs on the farm without publishing the results to an apt repository * ticketed: * catkin_make_isolated should be able to run tests (for the packages with catkin build_type) since this is a missing feature for these and it is likely that more packages might use that approach in the future * ticketed: * after that stage 2 could also use "catkin_make_isolated" when packages with non-catkin build_type are present * when building a set of packages missing system dependencies might not be caught if another package depends on it * it would require a per-package apt isolation which is not feasible * for the debian packages the predeploy test will catch that * when building a set of packages missing ros package dependencies might not be caught if the dependent package is processed before * this could be addressed in cmi by providing a specific environment for each package, merging the environments of all dependent packages instead of everything built before * for the debian packages the predeploy test will catch that * limit the number of packages considered for depends_on * limiting the dependency depth is not reasonable in a lot of cases * specifying a dependency set is also not feasible * but the prerelease website should indicate number of depends_on packages * ticketed: If you have any feedback or thoughts on this please share them with us. - Dirk