See ------------------------------------------ Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_sourcedeb" build number 13 originally caused by: Started by user Internal Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-message-generation_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_sourcedeb" build number 13 originally caused by: Started by user Internal Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genmsg_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 originally caused by: Started by user dthomas Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genpy_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genpy_sourcedeb" build number 8 originally caused by: Started by user Internal Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genmsg_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-gencpp_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genmsg_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genlisp_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genmsg_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-message-runtime_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_sourcedeb" build number 13 originally caused by: Started by user Internal Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-cpp-common_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 7 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-rostime_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-cpp-common_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 7 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-roscpp-traits_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-rostime_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genpy_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genpy_sourcedeb" build number 8 originally caused by: Started by user Internal Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genmsg_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 originally caused by: Started by user dthomas Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-roscpp-serialization_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-cpp-common_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 7 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-rostime_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-roscpp-traits_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-std-msgs_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 7 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_sourcedeb" build number 13 originally caused by: Started by user Internal Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-message-generation_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genmsg_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 originally caused by: Started by user dthomas Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genpy_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genpy_sourcedeb" build number 8 originally caused by: Started by user Internal Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genmsg_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-gencpp_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genmsg_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genlisp_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genmsg_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-message-runtime_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-cpp-common_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 7 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-rostime_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-cpp-common_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 7 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-roscpp-traits_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-rostime_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-genpy_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-roscpp-serialization_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-catkin_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 8 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-cpp-common_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 7 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-rostime_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 Started by upstream project "ros-hydro-roscpp-traits_binarydeb_quantal_amd64" build number 6 Building remotely on in workspace Checkout:ros-hydro-trajectory-msgs_binarydeb_quantal_amd64 / - hudson.remoting.Channel@36f8bb97: Using strategy: Default Cloning the remote Git repository Cloning repository git:// git --version git version ERROR: Error cloning remote repo 'origin' : Could not clone git:// hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Could not clone git:// at org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.CliGitAPIImpl.clone( at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM$2.invoke( at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM$2.invoke( at hudson.FilePath$ at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform( at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform( at hudson.remoting.Request$ at hudson.remoting.InterceptingExecutorService$ at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun( at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at Caused by: hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Command "git clone --progress -o origin git:// returned status code 128: stdout: Cloning into ' stderr: fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly at org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.CliGitAPIImpl.launchCommandIn( at org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.CliGitAPIImpl.clone( ... 12 more Trying next repository ERROR: Could not clone repository FATAL: Could not clone hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Could not clone at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM$2.invoke( at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM$2.invoke( at hudson.FilePath$ at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform( at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform( at hudson.remoting.Request$ at hudson.remoting.InterceptingExecutorService$ at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun( at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at