On 27.07.2013 15:46, Jack O'Quin wrote: > > On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 1:51 PM, Dirk Thomas > wrote: > > Ideally, it should be python-rosdoc-lite and not ros-hydro-rosdoc-lite. I suppose the problem is that it depends on genmsg, which depends on catkin, and both of them would have to become > distro-independent, first. > > Does that imply that no catkin package can be distro-independent? Yes, a distro-independent package can never depend on a distro-specific package. > Pip install is OK up to a point, but we've all been bitten by packages like this that did not get updated when the rest of the Ubuntu repository changed. So, I favor building a pure python-rosdoc-lite > Ubuntu package, too. I guess I'll have to learn how to do that. Mostly all ros-infrastructure tools are therefore dual-released: as a Debian package as well as via PIP. You can take a look to any of them (e.g. rosdistro, catkin_pkg, rosinstall-generator, bloom, ...) - Dirk