On 01.10.2013 18:31, Daniel Stonier wrote: > > > > On 2 October 2013 03:37, Dirk Thomas > wrote: > > On 01.10.2013 00:28, Daniel Stonier wrote: > > > > > On 1 October 2013 04:55, Jack O'Quin >> wrote: > > > On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Tully Foote >> wrote: > > > > > > On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 9:16 AM, Isaac Isao Saito <130s@lateeye.net >> wrote: > > Now I also see some pre-releases pass w/o failures. Thanks Tully! > > Let me ask one follow-up question regarding what Jack said; > > On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 10:04 AM, Jack O'Quin >> wrote: > > I like to run the "devel" pre-release on the source repo before using bloom-release. > > Is there a ways to run the pre-release test on ROS' jenkins against > source repo (I know local pre-release is possible as in the wiki#1)? > > #1 http://wiki.ros.org/bloom/__Tutorials/PrereleaseTest#__Locally > > > That link uses the release repo. The devel test can come before all that. > > That's what a devel prerelease is. The devel test is against the source as defined in source.yaml using key matching against release.yaml. The latest and version numbered prereleases go > against the release repo tags. > > > We've been struggling with this for a bit now. Could sit down and spend a couple of hours testing the process, but would be far easier to pick some brains here. > > Is the devel test is against the tag identified by the version key in release.yaml? If that is true, the workflow for pre-releases would still seem awkward to me. > > Daniel. > > > > As mentioned by Tully and Jack in the last emails: the devel tests use the source repos defined in https://github.com/ros/__rosdistro/blob/master/hydro/__source.yaml > . > > I have also update the wiki page which describes the prereleases and devel jobs: > http://wiki.ros.org/__regression_tests > > - Dirk > > Ok, feeling like quite a dunderhead here. So decided to do some testing and here's what I can conclude about the devel prerelease along with some questions: You should not need to conclude about what prereleases do. If the description (http://wiki.ros.org/regression_tests) is not sufficient please provide feedback what needs clarfication then we can update the wiki page. > * It's downloading a rosinstall file generated with the source repo url and version key branch. > * Not all entries in source.yaml have a version key. > o I expect this means it downloads the default branch for the repository. That is correct. I added that clarification to the wiki page: http://wiki.ros.org/regression_tests?action=diff > o This is probably the cause of the confusion we've had trying to work out what pre-releases are actually building. > * Why do some have a version key and some don't? How is it automatically added? Nothing happens automatically for that. Whatever a maintainer puts into that file will be used: a branch name, a tag name or nothing which implies the default branch. > Tully's comment 'using key matching against release.yaml' threw me in the previous email. I'm not sure what that is imparting. Tully referes to the fact that there is no relation between a release.yaml and source.yaml file. When selecting a repo the prerelease website just assumes that the repository name is the same in both both. That should be the case but is not strictly enforced anywhere. - Dirk