Hi ROS-Releasers, I'm a slow learner and still need to ask a few questions about pre-release test (let me abbreviate as PT) on ROS buildfarm even though I'm already a big fan of it. Q1) A PT failed [1] due to a missing package with the following error. [rospack] Error: stack/package openrtm_aist not found >From regression_test wiki [2], I understand that PT fetches dependencies from shadow-fixed. But I see the package that's claimed to be missing `openrtm_aist` do exist in the shadow-fixed. What's happening here? Am I misunderstanding something? Q2) Is there a case when a package can be still released even its PT fails? If so how can I tell that? I see some PTs fail while production build of the same packages don't. See Groovy actionlib PT for example [3]. It's failing because building of some downloaded packages that depend on actionlib fail. And I see that all of its unit tests passed beforehand. So can it be said "as long as the unit tests of the tested package passed"? Q3) Related to Q2, what's the purpose of this passage from the same regression_test wiki? "Additionally, it downloads all repos/stacks that depend on the tested repos/stacks, and builds/tests them."? [1] http://jenkins.ros.org/job/prerelease-groovy-openhrp3/ARCH_PARAM=amd64,UBUNTU_PARAM=precise,label=prerelease/2/consoleFull [2] http://wiki.ros.org/regression_tests#Prerelease_Tests [3] http://jenkins.ros.org/job/prerelease-groovy-actionlib/ARCH_PARAM=amd64,UBUNTU_PARAM=precise,label=prerelease/7/console Thanks a lot! -- Isao Isaac Saito Software Engineer TORK (Tokyo Opensource Robotics Kyokai Association) / 東京オープンソースロボティクス協会 http://opensource-robotics.tokyo.jp