Dear ros-users, TORK (Tokyo Opensource Robotics Kyokai Association) is pleased to announce a new package, rtmros_nextage. This package provides a ROS client for Nextage Open [1], an opensource version of a industrial robot from Kawada Robotics. Even without the real robot, this package allows you to test the robot's 15-DOF capability by using MoveIt! on RViz. It is also compatible with OpenRTM (that's where the package name `rtm` is taken from). While the robot met some of you at IROS 2013, it is still exhibited at iREX (Intl. Robot Exhibition) in Tokyo [2] through Saturday at Kawada's section. We thank the early adapters: Urko Esnaola (Tecnalia), Kenji Miyake, Kazuto Murase (U-Tokyo), Naoki Akiba (Yamagata U.) to name a few. Since the package is still in experimental status and the usage isn't fully documented yet, we'd highly appreciate your feedback on our github repository. Happy opensource robotics! Kei Okada, Isaac Saito from TORK [1] [2] -- Isao Isaac Saito Software Engineer, Co-founder TORK (Tokyo Opensource Robotics Kyokai Association) / 東京オープンソースロボティクス協会