Hey all, First of all, thank you all for all your help and feedback on the topic. @Mike & Nicolas: RosBridge and ROS-C are both viable solutions, I had actually been thinking about ROSBridge for a while, because this seemed like the MOST simple solution. I eventually dropped this idea because of the performance. ROS-C was new for me, it seems promising, as a pure ANSIC lib is callable even from MONO. @Hendrik & Stephan: sorry if I was offensive about the roscs, I meant no disrespect. Actually your implementation verified my thinking that I cannot simply wrap roscpp with mono, I *do* need a cpp middleware with EXTERN C ... (I was thinking too much that maybe I was wrong, there has to be a way to wrap directly with roscpp. But when I saw the current roscs, and I realized that I indeed have to use a middleware if I dont want to implement the master API ...) the current official roscs is a great place to start, so sorry if I offended you. In my opinion it is good starting point for demonstrating the possibility of a c# wrapper. @Tully: Whoah, I especially thank YOU for your mail :) Eric McCann's solution is great, it works well, I managed to send messages thru the ROS master in c# ... Actually, I'll contact him soon, I think the best solution is contributing to his code as his project looks quite promising (he implemented his own ROS.NET client using XMLRPC...) I had to install the XNA game studio SDK and the BLEND sdk to compile the code, so it needs quite a bit of refactoring, but in my opinion, that code can indeed be used purely from c#. No need for me to start again from zero. Once again, thank you all for your guidance. Yours, Zsolt _______________________________________________ ros-users mailing list ros-users@lists.ros.org http://lists.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users