The detailed program for ROSCon 2015 is now available: (Note: there may be some minor schedule changes between now and the event.) Reminder: the early registration deadline is August 31: ~~~ Thanks again to our Platinum Sponsors: Canonical / Ubuntu and Fetch Robotics! And our Gold Sponsors: 3D Robotics, Bosch, CoroWare, GaiTech, Qualcomm, Rethink Robotics, Robotnik, and Shadow Robot! ~~~ - Your ROSCon 2015 organizers On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 4:51 PM, Brian Gerkey wrote: > We're excited to announce a great collection of presentations that > will appear in the main track of ROSCon 2015 (also appended below): > > > > If you like what you see there, register for ROSCon today: > > > > ~~~ > Thanks again to our Platinum Sponsors: Canonical / Ubuntu and Fetch Robotics! > And our Gold Sponsors: 3D Robotics, Bosch, CoroWare, GaiTech, > Qualcomm, Rethink Robotics, Robotnik, and Shadow Robot! > ~~~ > > - Your ROSCon 2015 organizers > > ## Long presentations > > * "MoveIt! Strengths, Weaknesses, and Developer Insights" - Dave > Coleman (University of Colorado Boulder) > * "State of ROS 2 - demos and the technology behind" - Dirk Thomas > (OSRF), Esteve Fernandez (OSRF), William Woodall (OSRF) > * "Real-time Performance in ROS 2.0" - Jackie Kay (OSRF), Adolfo > Rodríguez Tsouroukdissian (PAL Robotics) > * "Bringing ROS to the factory floor: a status report on the > ROS-Industrial initiative" - Mirko Bordignon (Fraunhofer IPA), Shaun > Edwards (SwRI), Clay Flannigan (SwRI), Paul Hvass (SwRI), Ulrich > Reiser (Fraunhofer IPA) Florian Weisshardt (Fraunhofer IPA) > * "Commercial models for the robot generation" - Mark Shuttleworth (Canonical) > * "An Introduction to Team ViGIR's Open Source Software and DRC Post > Mortem" - Stefan Kohlbrecher (Technische Universitat Darmstadt) > > ## Short presentations > * "Automated Driving with ROS at BMW" - Michael Aeberhard (BMW Group > Research and Technology), Thomas Kühbeck (BMW Group Research and > Technology), Bernhard Seidl (BMW Group Research and Technology), > Martin Friedl (BMW Group Research and Technology), Julian Thomas (BMW > Group Research and Technology), Oliver Scheickl (BMW ConnectedDrive > Lab, China) > * "Working with the robot_localization Package" - Tom Moore (Charles > River Analytics) > * "ROS android_ndk: What? Why? How?" - Gary Servin (Creativa77) > * "Accelerating Your Robotics Startup with ROS" - Michael Ferguson > (Fetch Robotics) > * "The Descartes Planning Library for Semi-Constrained Cartesian > Trajectories" - Shaun Edwards (SwRI), Jorge Nicho (SwRI), Jonathan > Meyer (SwRI) > * "Phobos - Robot Model Development on Steroids" - Kai von Szadkowski > (University of Bremen) > * "ROS on DroneCode Systems" - Lorenz Meier (ETH Zurich and PX4), > Roman Bapst (ETH Zurich and PX4) > * "Introducing ROS-RealSense: 3D empowered Robotics Innovation > Platform" - Amit Moran (Intel), Gila Kamhi (Intel) > * "ROS-driven user applications in idempotent environments" - Matt > Vollrath (End Point), Wojciech Ziniewicz (End Point) > * "ROS2 on "small" embedded systems" - Morgan Quigley (OSRF) > * "ROS + Docker: Enabling Repeatable, Reproducible, and Deployable > robotic software via Linux Containers" - Ruffin White (Institute for > Robotics & Intelligent Machines at Georgia Tech) > * "ROS for education and applied research: practical experiences" - > Ralph Seulin (CNRS - Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comte), Raphael Duverne > (CNRS - Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comte), Olivier Morel (CNRS - Univ. > Bourgogne Franche-Comte), Cansen Jiang (CNRS - Univ. Bourgogne > Franche-Comte), Jeremie Deray (PAL Robotics), Jordi Pages (PAL > Robotics), Lee Kian Seng (Universiti Teknologi Petronas), Remi > Groslevin (CNRS - Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comte), Cedric Demonceaux > (CNRS - Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comte), David Fofi (CNRS - Univ. > Bourgogne Franche-Comte), Yohan Fougerolle (CNRS - Univ. Bourgogne > Franche-Comte) > * "Maru and Toru: Item-specific logistics solutions based on ROS" - > Moritz Tenorth (Magazino GmbH), Ulrich Klank (Magazino GmbH), Nikolas > Engelhard (Magazino GmbH) > * "Mapviz: An Extensible 2D Visualization Tool for Automated > Vehicles" - Jerry Towler (SwRI), Marc Alban (SwRI) > * "Docker-based ROS Build Farm" - Tully Foote (OSRF), Dirk Thomas > (OSRF), Dejan Pangercic (Robert Bosch), Daniel Di Marco (Robert > Bosch), Arne Hamann (Robert Bosch) _______________________________________________ ros-users mailing list