Hi Mr. Galiano, I need to know how to use the hokuyo laser together with the PX4' IMU to get the Tf, with a slight difference: The Laser is not on a fixed frame compared to the IMU -> There is a link between the laser and the PX4 IMU, which is a dynamixel servo motor (that I also need to read and control). Still, I would be very happy if you could kindly explain how I can get the hokuyo laser together with the PX4 IMU to get the tf. I think it would be ungracious of me to ask you for source code, but I'm thankful if you could explain a basic pipeline of the code/package I have to make. BTW, I don't know if you also had this issue, but when I echo mavros topics, the imu/data ( returns nothing), and imu/data_raw (and the orientation remains always 0 on x,y,z,w). I was told this has to do with my PX4 configuration? Thanks in advance, Filipe Às 08:07 de 30-09-2015, Galiano escreveu: > Hi Felipe, > I've done a lot of tasks about your environment: I ve worked with > mavros and the PX4 to control a ground rover and a quadcopter, i also > use the hokuyo laser together with the PX4' IMU to get the Tf. Let me > know exactly what you need. Às 08:07 de 30-09-2015, Galiano escreveu: > Hi Felipe, > I've done a lot of tasks about your environment: I ve worked with > mavros and the PX4 to control a ground rover and a quadcopter, i also > use the hokuyo laser together with the PX4' IMU to get the Tf. Let me > know exactly what you need. _______________________________________________ ros-users mailing list ros-users@lists.ros.org http://lists.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users