On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 5:09 PM, Brian Gerkey via ros-users wrote: > We're very aware of the need for a migration plan. To that end, we're > maintaining a migration guide as we do new development: > http://design.ros2.org/articles/migration_guide_from_ros1.html That guide is a nice overview of the migration of a hello-world node. So let's list what is missing from this migration example: - workspace setup (ament) - service C++ API - dynamic_reconfigure - nodelet - paramserver params - launchfiles (*) - rostest - wiki article - wiki tutorials - sphinx docs - bloom - change of provided message/service structure - change of consumed message/service structure - python API change - other languages (C/Lisp/Java) - Python3 (*) - Environment setup files - ABI versioning - QoS configuration - Any custom scripts relying on any of rospkg, rosrun, rosnode, rostopic, rosparam, roslaunch - Adapting to various structural changes in dependencies parallel maintenance: - package naming - parallel wiki entries - parallel wiki tutorials - double bloom releases interoperation - document how this ros1 package interops with ros2 packages - document how this ros2 package interops with ros1 packages - launchfiles (bridge nodes for each topic and service) - rostest files to test interop - workspace setup (catkin over ament) - Additional bridge mappings for changed message structures Then there is the topic of cross-compatible code that will probably emerge - code littered with #ifdef's - using some ros/ros2 abstraction library - cmake hacks to make cmake work in both ament and catkin - python hacks to make setup.py work in both ament and catkin (*) mentioned in guide not in example >> Intentionally quoted out of context: > It's likely that those changes could be largely automated, at least > for simple cases. For simple cases, indeed. _______________________________________________ ros-users mailing list ros-users@lists.ros.org http://lists.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users