Hi all, i just wanna announce that i designed a robotic finger, which is now available in shop. The finger can be used standalone or with other fingers to build a humanoid gripper like the hand :) Every single joint (4 joints) is controllable in both directions. That means, if you want, you can use up to 8 servos to control one finger completly. Or you could use less servos and control the other cords (directions) with springs, rubberband or anything else. The finger is hard-coated aluminium with PTFE (Teflon) coating for friction like wet ice on wet ice. Also the cords are Dyneema Teflon coated, for perfect friction-less working. You can see photos of it on http://flobotics-robotics.com For questions mail to info@flobotics-robotics.com Thanks alot flobotics-robotics.com _______________________________________________ ros-users mailing list ros-users@lists.ros.org http://lists.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users