NEW ACTIVE VOLUMETRIC RECONSTRUCTION CODE RELEASED We are pleased to announce the release of a new open-source library for performing active object reconstruction using a camera-based depth sensor on a mobile robot. The rpg_ig_active_reconstruction framework is available from our github: The key features are: - General framework for reconstruction that is object, sensor, and robot-agnostic. - Real-time reconstruction of unknown objects that are spatially bounded: the user only needs to know the size of the bounding volume, and our algorithm will efficiently reconstruct its structure volumetrically. - Modular library can be adapted to the kinematics of arbitrary mobile robots (ground, flying, mobile manipulators, etc.), and can receive 3D input from any dense depth sensor (e.g. stereo cameras, RGB-D sensors, monocular dense depth estimation [such as REMODE], etc.). - Multiple information gain formulations are implemented to guide the choice of next best view. - Volumetric representation allows estimation of information gain for candidate views using both occupancy and occlusion. - Includes ROS bindings and a simulated example in Gazebo. - Video showing the system in action: Technical details of the algorithm and information gain formulations can be found in our ICRA paper: Stefan Isler, Reza Sabzevari, Jeffrey Delmerico, Davide Scaramuzza University of Zurich, Robotics and Perception Group _______________________________________________ ros-users mailing list