lucasw November 20 I have a bullet physics wrapper ros node that allows soft body structures to be anchored to rigid bodies and simulated, this example shows a skid steered vehicle with squishy cubical wheels (for no real reason other than the cubes are easier to generate): The soft bodies in that example don't have surfaces, in rviz the node points and the link lattice connecting them to each other is visualized, also the anchors to the 'motor' rigid bodies are shown as lines as well. The rigid and soft body compounds are spawned through service calls, and in the example a python script generates the wheels and chassis. Every joint/constraint creates a rostopic that allows it to be controlled, in the video separate velocities are being published to each wheel. The soft bodies don't communicate anything other than rviz Markers to ros, though I think bullet provides a center of mass (and orientation?) that could be made into a tf frame. The rigid bodies positions are broadcast as tfs. Currently face (3-node) and tetra (4-node) structures aren't fully supported, just links (2-node). The source is here: lucasw/simple_sim_ros simple_sim_ros - Minimally featured but fast ROS physics simulation wrapping bullet The idea of the bullet wrapping is that it hides nothing about bullet (though only a small subset of the api is exposed) so it can be a platform to experiment with it (and also the simulation boots in about a second and dies with ctrl-c just as fast). The main branch is pure rigid body simulation ( watch?v=URoyLptHvCU shows off a Stewart platform, support for closed chains demonstrated), later it will be possible to specify whether the sim should support soft bodies or not at launch time. ------------------------------ Visit Topic If you do not want to receive messages from ros-users please use the unsubscribe link below. If you use the one above, you will stop all of ros-users from receiving updates. ______________________________________________________________________________ ros-users mailing list Unsubscribe: