We have another batch of packages for Kinetic which have been released. There's 68 new packages, 180 updated packages and 3 removed. The full details are below. Below is the list of maintainers who made releases. Thank you to everyone who has helped contribute to these packages both maintainers and contributors! ## Package Updates for kinetic ### Added Packages [68]: * ros-kinetic-abb: 1.3.0-1 * ros-kinetic-abb-driver: 1.3.0-1 * ros-kinetic-abb-irb2400-moveit-config: 1.3.0-1 * ros-kinetic-abb-irb2400-moveit-plugins: 1.3.0-1 * ros-kinetic-abb-irb2400-support: 1.3.0-1 * ros-kinetic-abb-irb4400-support: 1.3.0-1 * ros-kinetic-abb-irb5400-support: 1.3.0-1 * ros-kinetic-abb-irb6600-support: 1.3.0-1 * ros-kinetic-abb-irb6640-moveit-config: 1.3.0-1 * ros-kinetic-abb-irb6640-support: 1.3.0-1 * ros-kinetic-abb-resources: 1.3.0-1 * ros-kinetic-bin-pose-emulator: 0.1.1-0 * ros-kinetic-bin-pose-msgs: 0.1.1-0 * ros-kinetic-binpicking-utils: 0.1.1-0 * ros-kinetic-eigen-typekit: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-fiducial-msgs: 0.7.2-0 * ros-kinetic-kdl-typekit: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-libuvc: 0.0.5-2 * ros-kinetic-motion-module-tutorial: 0.1.3-0 * ros-kinetic-move-basic: 0.2.0-0 * ros-kinetic-oculusprime: 0.1.3-0 * ros-kinetic-rfsm: 1.0.1-0 * ros-kinetic-robotis-controller: 0.2.5-0 * ros-kinetic-roomblock: 0.0.2-0 * ros-kinetic-roomblock-bringup: 0.0.2-0 * ros-kinetic-roomblock-description: 0.0.2-0 * ros-kinetic-roomblock-mapping: 0.0.2-0 * ros-kinetic-roomblock-navigation: 0.0.2-0 * ros-kinetic-rosflight: 0.1.3-0 * ros-kinetic-rosflight-msgs: 0.1.3-0 * ros-kinetic-rosflight-pkgs: 0.1.3-0 * ros-kinetic-rosflight-utils: 0.1.3-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-actionlib: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-actionlib-msgs: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-common-msgs: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-diagnostic-msgs: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-dynamic-reconfigure: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-geometry: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-geometry-msgs: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-kdl-conversions: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-nav-msgs: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-ros: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-ros-comm: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-ros-integration: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-ros-msgs: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-rosclock: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-roscomm: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-rosdeployment: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-rosgraph-msgs: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-rosnode: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-rospack: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-rosparam: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-sensor-msgs: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-shape-msgs: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-std-msgs: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-std-srvs: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-stereo-msgs: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-tf: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-trajectory-msgs: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-rtt-visualization-msgs: 2.9.0-0 * ros-kinetic-sensor-module-tutorial: 0.1.3-0 * ros-kinetic-thormang3-action-module: 0.1.3-0 * ros-kinetic-thormang3-imu-3dm-gx4: 0.1.3-0 * ros-kinetic-thormang3-walking-module: 0.1.3-0 * ros-kinetic-turtlebot3: 0.1.5-0 * ros-kinetic-turtlebot3-gazebo: 0.1.5-0 * ros-kinetic-turtlebot3-simulations: 0.1.5-0 * ros-kinetic-turtlebot3-teleop: 0.1.5-0 ### Updated Packages [180]: * ros-kinetic-aruco-detect: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.7.2-0 * ros-kinetic-assimp-devel: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 * ros-kinetic-bayesian-belief-networks: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 * ros-kinetic-can-msgs: 0.7.4-0 -> 0.7.5-0 * ros-kinetic-canopen-402: 0.7.4-0 -> 0.7.5-0 * ros-kinetic-canopen-chain-node: 0.7.4-0 -> 0.7.5-0 * ros-kinetic-canopen-master: 0.7.4-0 -> 0.7.5-0 * ros-kinetic-canopen-motor-node: 0.7.4-0 -> 0.7.5-0 * ros-kinetic-catkin-pip: 0.2.0-0 -> 0.2.1-0 * ros-kinetic-collada-parser: 1.12.8-0 -> 1.12.10-0 * ros-kinetic-collada-urdf: 1.12.8-0 -> 1.12.10-0 * ros-kinetic-default-cfg-fkie: 0.7.3-0 -> 0.7.4-0 * ros-kinetic-desktop: 1.3.0-0 -> 1.3.1-0 * ros-kinetic-desktop-full: 1.3.0-0 -> 1.3.1-0 * ros-kinetic-downward: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 * ros-kinetic-dynamixel-sdk: 3.4.4-0 -> 3.4.5-0 * ros-kinetic-dynamixel-workbench: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.5-2 * ros-kinetic-dynamixel-workbench-controllers: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.5-2 * ros-kinetic-dynamixel-workbench-msgs: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.5-2 * ros-kinetic-dynamixel-workbench-single-manager: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.5-2 * ros-kinetic-dynamixel-workbench-single-manager-gui: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.5-2 * ros-kinetic-dynamixel-workbench-toolbox: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.5-2 * ros-kinetic-dynamixel-workbench-tutorials: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.5-2 * ros-kinetic-executive-smach: 2.0.0-2 -> 2.0.1-0 * ros-kinetic-ff: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 * ros-kinetic-ffha: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 * ros-kinetic-fiducial-detect: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.7.2-0 * ros-kinetic-fiducial-lib: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.7.2-0 * ros-kinetic-fiducial-pose: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.7.2-0 * ros-kinetic-fiducial-slam: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.7.2-0 * ros-kinetic-fiducials: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.7.2-0 * ros-kinetic-genjava: 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-0 * ros-kinetic-gps-common: 0.1.8-0 -> 0.1.9-0 * ros-kinetic-gps-umd: 0.1.8-0 -> 0.1.9-0 * ros-kinetic-gpsd-client: 0.1.8-0 -> 0.1.9-0 * ros-kinetic-imu-complementary-filter: 1.1.3-0 -> 1.1.4-0 * ros-kinetic-imu-filter-madgwick: 1.1.3-0 -> 1.1.4-0 * ros-kinetic-imu-tools: 1.1.3-0 -> 1.1.4-0 * ros-kinetic-jsk-3rdparty: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 * ros-kinetic-jsk-common-msgs: 4.1.0-0 -> 4.1.1-0 * ros-kinetic-jsk-footstep-msgs: 4.1.0-0 -> 4.1.1-0 * ros-kinetic-jsk-gui-msgs: 4.1.0-0 -> 4.1.1-0 * ros-kinetic-jsk-hark-msgs: 4.1.0-0 -> 4.1.1-0 * ros-kinetic-julius: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 * ros-kinetic-katana: 1.0.7-0 -> 1.1.2-0 * ros-kinetic-katana-arm-gazebo: 1.0.7-0 -> 1.1.2-0 * ros-kinetic-katana-description: 1.0.7-0 -> 1.1.2-0 * ros-kinetic-katana-driver: 1.0.7-0 -> 1.1.2-0 * ros-kinetic-katana-gazebo-plugins: 1.0.7-0 -> 1.1.2-0 * ros-kinetic-katana-moveit-ikfast-plugin: 1.0.7-0 -> 1.1.2-0 * ros-kinetic-katana-msgs: 1.0.7-0 -> 1.1.2-0 * ros-kinetic-katana-teleop: 1.0.7-0 -> 1.1.2-0 * ros-kinetic-katana-tutorials: 1.0.7-0 -> 1.1.2-0 * ros-kinetic-kdl-parser: 1.12.8-0 -> 1.12.10-0 * ros-kinetic-kdl-parser-py: 1.12.8-0 -> 1.12.10-0 * ros-kinetic-kni: 1.0.7-0 -> 1.1.2-0 * ros-kinetic-kobuki-dashboard: 0.5.6-0 -> 0.5.7-0 * ros-kinetic-kobuki-desktop: 0.5.6-0 -> 0.5.7-0 * ros-kinetic-kobuki-gazebo: 0.5.6-0 -> 0.5.7-0 * ros-kinetic-kobuki-gazebo-plugins: 0.5.6-0 -> 0.5.7-0 * ros-kinetic-kobuki-qtestsuite: 0.5.6-0 -> 0.5.7-0 * ros-kinetic-kobuki-rviz-launchers: 0.5.6-0 -> 0.5.7-0 * ros-kinetic-libcmt: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 * ros-kinetic-libmavconn: 0.18.7-0 -> 0.19.0-0 * ros-kinetic-libphidget21: 0.7.0-0 -> 0.7.2-0 * ros-kinetic-libsiftfast: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 * ros-kinetic-lms1xx: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.6-0 * ros-kinetic-log-server: 0.1.4-0 -> 0.1.4-1 * ros-kinetic-lpg-planner: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 * ros-kinetic-manipulator-h-base-module-msgs: 0.2.1-0 -> 0.2.3-0 * ros-kinetic-manipulator-h-bringup: 0.2.1-0 -> 0.2.3-0 * ros-kinetic-manipulator-h-description: 0.2.1-0 -> 0.2.3-0 * ros-kinetic-manipulator-h-gazebo: 0.2.1-0 -> 0.2.3-0 * ros-kinetic-manipulator-h-gui: 0.2.1-0 -> 0.2.3-0 * ros-kinetic-manipulator-h-kinematics-dynamics: 0.2.1-0 -> 0.2.3-0 * ros-kinetic-marti-can-msgs: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.9-0 * ros-kinetic-marti-common-msgs: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.9-0 * ros-kinetic-marti-nav-msgs: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.9-0 * ros-kinetic-marti-perception-msgs: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.9-0 * ros-kinetic-marti-sensor-msgs: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.9-0 * ros-kinetic-marti-visualization-msgs: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.9-0 * ros-kinetic-master-discovery-fkie: 0.7.3-0 -> 0.7.4-0 * ros-kinetic-master-sync-fkie: 0.7.3-0 -> 0.7.4-0 * ros-kinetic-mavlink: 2017.4.2-1 -> 2017.6.6-0 * ros-kinetic-mavros: 0.18.7-0 -> 0.19.0-0 * ros-kinetic-mavros-extras: 0.18.7-0 -> 0.19.0-0 * ros-kinetic-mavros-msgs: 0.18.7-0 -> 0.19.0-0 * ros-kinetic-mini-maxwell: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 * ros-kinetic-move-base-to-manip: 1.0.12-0 -> 1.0.17-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-commander: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-controller-manager-example: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-core: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-fake-controller-manager: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-kinematics: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-planners: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-planners-ompl: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-plugins: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-ros: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-ros-benchmarks: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-ros-control-interface: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-ros-manipulation: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-ros-move-group: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-ros-perception: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-ros-planning: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-ros-planning-interface: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-ros-robot-interaction: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-ros-visualization: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-ros-warehouse: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-runtime: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-setup-assistant: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-moveit-simple-controller-manager: 0.9.6-0 -> 0.9.7-0 * ros-kinetic-multimaster-fkie: 0.7.3-0 -> 0.7.4-0 * ros-kinetic-multimaster-msgs-fkie: 0.7.3-0 -> 0.7.4-0 * ros-kinetic-nerian-sp1: 1.6.1-0 -> 1.6.2-0 * ros-kinetic-nlopt: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 * ros-kinetic-node-manager-fkie: 0.7.3-0 -> 0.7.4-0 * ros-kinetic-opt-camera: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 * ros-kinetic-oros-tools-examples: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0 * ros-kinetic-p2os-doc: 2.0.5-0 -> 2.0.6-0 * ros-kinetic-p2os-driver: 2.0.5-0 -> 2.0.6-0 * ros-kinetic-p2os-launch: 2.0.5-0 -> 2.0.6-0 * ros-kinetic-p2os-msgs: 2.0.5-0 -> 2.0.6-0 * ros-kinetic-p2os-teleop: 2.0.5-0 -> 2.0.6-0 * ros-kinetic-p2os-urdf: 2.0.5-0 -> 2.0.6-0 * ros-kinetic-perception: 1.3.0-0 -> 1.3.1-0 * ros-kinetic-pgm-learner: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 * ros-kinetic-phidgets-api: 0.7.0-0 -> 0.7.2-0 * ros-kinetic-phidgets-drivers: 0.7.0-0 -> 0.7.2-0 * ros-kinetic-phidgets-imu: 0.7.0-0 -> 0.7.2-0 * ros-kinetic-plotjuggler: 1.0.4-0 -> 1.0.7-0 * ros-kinetic-posedetection-msgs: 4.1.0-0 -> 4.1.1-0 * ros-kinetic-py-trees-ros: 0.5.9-0 -> 0.5.13-0 * ros-kinetic-robot: 1.3.0-0 -> 1.3.1-0 * ros-kinetic-robotis-device: 0.2.1-0 -> 0.2.5-0 * ros-kinetic-robotis-framework: 0.2.1-0 -> 0.2.5-0 * ros-kinetic-robotis-framework-common: 0.2.1-0 -> 0.2.5-0 * ros-kinetic-ros-base: 1.3.0-0 -> 1.3.1-0 * ros-kinetic-ros-canopen: 0.7.4-0 -> 0.7.5-0 * ros-kinetic-ros-core: 1.3.0-0 -> 1.3.1-0 * ros-kinetic-ros-emacs-utils: 0.4.10-0 -> 0.4.11-0 * ros-kinetic-ros-peerjs: 0.1.7-0 -> 0.1.8-0 * ros-kinetic-rosdoc-lite: 0.2.6-0 -> 0.2.7-0 * ros-kinetic-rosemacs: 0.4.10-0 -> 0.4.11-0 * ros-kinetic-rosjava-bootstrap: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0 * ros-kinetic-rosjava-core: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-1 * ros-kinetic-rosjava-extras: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0 * ros-kinetic-roslisp-repl: 0.4.10-0 -> 0.4.11-0 * ros-kinetic-rospatlite: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 * ros-kinetic-rosping: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 * ros-kinetic-rqt-action: 0.4.8-0 -> 0.4.9-0 * ros-kinetic-rqt-multiplot: 0.0.6-0 -> 0.0.7-2 * ros-kinetic-rviz: 1.12.4-0 -> 1.12.10-0 * ros-kinetic-rviz-imu-plugin: 1.1.3-0 -> 1.1.4-0 * ros-kinetic-simulators: 1.3.0-0 -> 1.3.1-0 * ros-kinetic-slic: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 * ros-kinetic-slime-ros: 0.4.10-0 -> 0.4.11-0 * ros-kinetic-slime-wrapper: 0.4.10-0 -> 0.4.11-0 * ros-kinetic-smach: 2.0.0-2 -> 2.0.1-0 * ros-kinetic-smach-msgs: 2.0.0-2 -> 2.0.1-0 * ros-kinetic-smach-ros: 2.0.0-2 -> 2.0.1-0 * ros-kinetic-socketcan-bridge: 0.7.4-0 -> 0.7.5-0 * ros-kinetic-socketcan-interface: 0.7.4-0 -> 0.7.5-0 * ros-kinetic-speech-recognition-msgs: 4.1.0-0 -> 4.1.1-0 * ros-kinetic-test-mavros: 0.18.7-0 -> 0.19.0-0 * ros-kinetic-thormang3-balance-control: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0 * ros-kinetic-thormang3-common: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0 * ros-kinetic-thormang3-description: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0 * ros-kinetic-thormang3-gazebo: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0 * ros-kinetic-thormang3-kinematics-dynamics: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0 * ros-kinetic-thormang3-manipulation-demo: 0.1.0-0 -> 0.1.2-0 * ros-kinetic-thormang3-sensors: 0.1.0-0 -> 0.1.2-0 * ros-kinetic-turtlebot3-bringup: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.5-0 * ros-kinetic-turtlebot3-description: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.5-0 * ros-kinetic-turtlebot3-fake: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.5-0 * ros-kinetic-turtlebot3-navigation: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.5-0 * ros-kinetic-turtlebot3-slam: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.5-0 * ros-kinetic-ubiquity-motor: 0.5.1-0 -> 0.5.2-0 * ros-kinetic-viz: 1.3.0-0 -> 1.3.1-0 * ros-kinetic-voice-text: 2.0.19-0 -> 2.0.20-0 ### Removed Packages [3]: - ros-kinetic-manipulator-h - ros-kinetic-rospilot - ros-kinetic-thormang3-ppc Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers: * AlexV * Alexander Tiderko * Andy Zelenak * Chris Lalancette * Damon Kohler * Daniel Koch * Daniel Stonier * Dave Coleman * David Gossow * Davide Faconti * Dirk Thomas * Easymov Robotics * Edmond DuPont * Elliot Johnson * Frantisek Durovsky * Gayane Kazhoyan * Henning Deeken * Hitoshi Kamada * Hunter Allen * Ioan Sucan * Isaac I. Y. Saito * Jack O'Quin * Jim Vaughan * Jon Binney * KazutoMurase * Kei Okada * Ken Tossell * Konstantin Schauwecker * Levi Armstrong (Southwest Research Institute) * Marc Alban * Marcus Liebhardt * Martin Guenther * Martin Gnther * Mathias Ldtke * Michael Ferguson * Michael Grner * Mikael Arguedas * Mike Purvis * Noda Shintaro * Orocos Developers * Pyo * Ralf Kaestner * Roberto G. Valenti * Rohan Agrawal * Ryohei Ueda * Ryosuke Tajima * Shaun Edwards * Shaun Edwards (Southwest Research Institute) * Shaun Edwards (SwRI) * Shohei Fujii * Takuya Nakaoka * Timo Roehling * Vladimir Ermakov * Xaxxon Technologies * Yohei Kakiuchi * Yuki Furuta * Yuto Inagaki * durovsky * gary * k-okada --- [Visit Topic](https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-kinetic-2017-06-10/1911/1) or reply to this email to respond. If you do not want to receive messages from ros-users please use the unsubscribe link below. If you use the one above, you will stop all of ros-users from receiving updates. ______________________________________________________________________________ ros-users mailing list ros-users@lists.ros.org http://lists.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users Unsubscribe: