Were happy to announce another set of packages for Lunar. We have 76 new packages as well as 213 updated packages in this sync. Thank you to all the contributors and maintainers who make these packages available to the community. Full details are below. ## Package Updates for lunar ### Added Packages [76]: * ros-lunar-amcl: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-amcl-dbgsym: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-base-local-planner: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-base-local-planner-dbgsym: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-carrot-planner: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-carrot-planner-dbgsym: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-catkin-pip: 0.2.3-0 * ros-lunar-clear-costmap-recovery: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-clear-costmap-recovery-dbgsym: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-costmap-2d: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-costmap-2d-dbgsym: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-dwa-local-planner: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-dwa-local-planner-dbgsym: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-ecl-build: 0.61.7-0 * ros-lunar-ecl-config: 0.61.6-0 * ros-lunar-ecl-config-dbgsym: 0.61.6-0 * ros-lunar-ecl-console: 0.61.6-0 * ros-lunar-ecl-converters-lite: 0.61.6-0 * ros-lunar-ecl-errors: 0.61.6-0 * ros-lunar-ecl-errors-dbgsym: 0.61.6-0 * ros-lunar-ecl-io: 0.61.6-0 * ros-lunar-ecl-io-dbgsym: 0.61.6-0 * ros-lunar-ecl-license: 0.61.7-0 * ros-lunar-ecl-lite: 0.61.6-0 * ros-lunar-ecl-sigslots-lite: 0.61.6-0 * ros-lunar-ecl-sigslots-lite-dbgsym: 0.61.6-0 * ros-lunar-ecl-time-lite: 0.61.6-0 * ros-lunar-ecl-time-lite-dbgsym: 0.61.6-0 * ros-lunar-ecl-tools: 0.61.7-0 * ros-lunar-fake-localization: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-fake-localization-dbgsym: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-global-planner: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-global-planner-dbgsym: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-map-server: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-map-server-dbgsym: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-move-base: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-move-base-dbgsym: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-move-slow-and-clear: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-move-slow-and-clear-dbgsym: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-moveit: 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-setup-assistant: 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-setup-assistant-dbgsym: 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-nav-core: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-nav-pcontroller: 0.1.4-0 * ros-lunar-nav-pcontroller-dbgsym: 0.1.4-0 * ros-lunar-navfn: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-navfn-dbgsym: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-navigation: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-ntpd-driver: 1.2.0-0 * ros-lunar-ntpd-driver-dbgsym: 1.2.0-0 * ros-lunar-openni2-camera: 0.2.8-0 * ros-lunar-openni2-camera-dbgsym: 0.2.8-0 * ros-lunar-openslam-gmapping: 0.1.2-0 * ros-lunar-openslam-gmapping-dbgsym: 0.1.2-0 * ros-lunar-parameter-pa: 1.1.0-0 * ros-lunar-parameter-pa-dbgsym: 1.1.0-0 * ros-lunar-pyros-config: 0.2.0-0 * ros-lunar-pyros-test: 0.0.6-1 * ros-lunar-pyros-utils: 0.1.4-0 * ros-lunar-robot-pose-ekf: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-robot-pose-ekf-dbgsym: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-rosauth: 0.1.7-2 * ros-lunar-rosauth-dbgsym: 0.1.7-2 * ros-lunar-rotate-recovery: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-rotate-recovery-dbgsym: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-rtabmap: 0.13.2-3 * ros-lunar-rtabmap-dbgsym: 0.13.2-3 * ros-lunar-rtabmap-ros: 0.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rtabmap-ros-dbgsym: 0.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-soem: 1.3.0-0 * ros-lunar-soem-dbgsym: 1.3.0-0 * ros-lunar-urdf-geometry-parser: 0.0.3-0 * ros-lunar-urdf-geometry-parser-dbgsym: 0.0.3-0 * ros-lunar-urdf-sim-tutorial: 0.3.0-0 * ros-lunar-voxel-grid: 1.15.1-0 * ros-lunar-voxel-grid-dbgsym: 1.15.1-0 ### Updated Packages [213]: * ros-lunar-actionlib: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0 * ros-lunar-actionlib-dbgsym: 1.11.9-0 -> 1.11.10-0 * ros-lunar-bond: 1.7.19-0 -> 1.8.0-0 * ros-lunar-bond-core: 1.7.19-0 -> 1.8.0-0 * ros-lunar-bondcpp: 1.7.19-0 -> 1.8.0-0 * ros-lunar-bondcpp-dbgsym: 1.7.19-0 -> 1.8.0-0 * ros-lunar-bondpy: 1.7.19-0 -> 1.8.0-0 * ros-lunar-catkin: 0.7.6-0 -> 0.7.7-2 * ros-lunar-class-loader: 0.3.6-0 -> 0.3.7-0 * ros-lunar-class-loader-dbgsym: 0.3.6-0 -> 0.3.7-0 * ros-lunar-combined-robot-hw: 0.11.5-0 -> 0.12.0-0 * ros-lunar-combined-robot-hw-dbgsym: 0.11.5-0 -> 0.12.0-0 * ros-lunar-combined-robot-hw-tests: 0.11.5-0 -> 0.12.0-0 * ros-lunar-combined-robot-hw-tests-dbgsym: 0.11.5-0 -> 0.12.0-0 * ros-lunar-controller-interface: 0.11.5-0 -> 0.12.0-0 * ros-lunar-controller-manager: 0.11.5-0 -> 0.12.0-0 * ros-lunar-controller-manager-dbgsym: 0.11.5-0 -> 0.12.0-0 * ros-lunar-controller-manager-msgs: 0.11.5-0 -> 0.12.0-0 * ros-lunar-controller-manager-tests: 0.11.5-0 -> 0.12.0-0 * ros-lunar-controller-manager-tests-dbgsym: 0.11.5-0 -> 0.12.0-0 * ros-lunar-cpp-common: 0.6.4-0 -> 0.6.5-0 * ros-lunar-cpp-common-dbgsym: 0.6.4-0 -> 0.6.5-0 * ros-lunar-diagnostic-aggregator: 1.9.0-0 -> 1.9.2-0 * ros-lunar-diagnostic-aggregator-dbgsym: 1.9.0-0 -> 1.9.2-0 * ros-lunar-diagnostic-analysis: 1.9.0-0 -> 1.9.2-0 * ros-lunar-diagnostic-common-diagnostics: 1.9.0-0 -> 1.9.2-0 * ros-lunar-diagnostic-updater: 1.9.0-0 -> 1.9.2-0 * ros-lunar-diagnostics: 1.9.0-0 -> 1.9.2-0 * ros-lunar-diff-drive-controller: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-diff-drive-controller-dbgsym: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-dynamic-reconfigure: 1.5.48-0 -> 1.5.49-0 * ros-lunar-dynamic-reconfigure-dbgsym: 1.5.48-0 -> 1.5.49-0 * ros-lunar-effort-controllers: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-effort-controllers-dbgsym: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-eigen-conversions: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0 * ros-lunar-eigen-conversions-dbgsym: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0 * ros-lunar-force-torque-sensor-controller: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-force-torque-sensor-controller-dbgsym: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-forward-command-controller: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-genmsg: 0.5.8-0 -> 0.5.9-0 * ros-lunar-genpy: 0.6.5-0 -> 0.6.6-0 * ros-lunar-geometry: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0 * ros-lunar-geometry2: 0.5.15-0 -> 0.5.16-0 * ros-lunar-gripper-action-controller: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-gripper-action-controller-dbgsym: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-hardware-interface: 0.11.5-0 -> 0.12.0-0 * ros-lunar-imu-sensor-controller: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-imu-sensor-controller-dbgsym: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-joint-limits-interface: 0.11.5-0 -> 0.12.0-0 * ros-lunar-joint-state-controller: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-joint-state-controller-dbgsym: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-joint-trajectory-controller: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-joint-trajectory-controller-dbgsym: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-kdl-conversions: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0 * ros-lunar-kdl-conversions-dbgsym: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0 * ros-lunar-mavlink: 2017.6.6-0 -> 2017.8.8-0 * ros-lunar-message-filters: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-message-filters-dbgsym: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-mk: 1.14.0-0 -> 1.14.1-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-commander: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-controller-manager-example: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-controller-manager-example-dbgsym: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-core: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-core-dbgsym: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-fake-controller-manager: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-fake-controller-manager-dbgsym: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-kinematics: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-kinematics-dbgsym: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-planners: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-planners-ompl: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-planners-ompl-dbgsym: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-plugins: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-benchmarks: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-benchmarks-dbgsym: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-control-interface: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-control-interface-dbgsym: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-manipulation: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-manipulation-dbgsym: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-move-group: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-move-group-dbgsym: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-perception: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-perception-dbgsym: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-planning: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-planning-dbgsym: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-planning-interface: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-planning-interface-dbgsym: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-robot-interaction: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-robot-interaction-dbgsym: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-visualization: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-visualization-dbgsym: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-warehouse: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-ros-warehouse-dbgsym: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-runtime: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-simple-controller-manager: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-moveit-simple-controller-manager-dbgsym: 0.9.8-0 -> 0.9.9-0 * ros-lunar-nodelet: 1.9.10-0 -> 1.9.12-0 * ros-lunar-nodelet-core: 1.9.10-0 -> 1.9.12-0 * ros-lunar-nodelet-dbgsym: 1.9.10-0 -> 1.9.12-0 * ros-lunar-nodelet-topic-tools: 1.9.10-0 -> 1.9.12-0 * ros-lunar-p2os-doc: 2.0.7-0 -> 2.1.0-0 * ros-lunar-p2os-driver: 2.0.7-0 -> 2.1.0-0 * ros-lunar-p2os-driver-dbgsym: 2.0.7-0 -> 2.1.0-0 * ros-lunar-p2os-launch: 2.0.7-0 -> 2.1.0-0 * ros-lunar-p2os-msgs: 2.0.7-0 -> 2.1.0-0 * ros-lunar-p2os-teleop: 2.0.7-0 -> 2.1.0-0 * ros-lunar-p2os-teleop-dbgsym: 2.0.7-0 -> 2.1.0-0 * ros-lunar-p2os-urdf: 2.0.7-0 -> 2.1.0-0 * ros-lunar-p2os-urdf-dbgsym: 2.0.7-0 -> 2.1.0-0 * ros-lunar-plotjuggler: 1.1.1-0 -> 1.1.3-0 * ros-lunar-plotjuggler-dbgsym: 1.1.1-0 -> 1.1.3-0 * ros-lunar-pluginlib: 1.10.5-0 -> 1.11.0-0 * ros-lunar-pluginlib-dbgsym: 1.10.5-0 -> 1.11.0-0 * ros-lunar-position-controllers: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-position-controllers-dbgsym: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-qt-dotgraph: 0.3.4-2 -> 0.3.6-0 * ros-lunar-qt-gui: 0.3.4-2 -> 0.3.6-0 * ros-lunar-qt-gui-app: 0.3.4-2 -> 0.3.6-0 * ros-lunar-qt-gui-core: 0.3.4-2 -> 0.3.6-0 * ros-lunar-qt-gui-cpp: 0.3.4-2 -> 0.3.6-0 * ros-lunar-qt-gui-cpp-dbgsym: 0.3.4-2 -> 0.3.6-0 * ros-lunar-qt-gui-py-common: 0.3.4-2 -> 0.3.6-0 * ros-lunar-ros: 1.14.0-0 -> 1.14.1-0 * ros-lunar-ros-comm: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-ros-control: 0.11.5-0 -> 0.12.0-0 * ros-lunar-ros-controllers: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-ros-tutorials: 0.8.0-0 -> 0.8.1-0 * ros-lunar-rosbag: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rosbag-dbgsym: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rosbag-storage: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rosbag-storage-dbgsym: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rosbash: 1.14.0-0 -> 1.14.1-0 * ros-lunar-rosboost-cfg: 1.14.0-0 -> 1.14.1-0 * ros-lunar-rosbuild: 1.14.0-0 -> 1.14.1-0 * ros-lunar-rosclean: 1.14.0-0 -> 1.14.1-0 * ros-lunar-rosconsole: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rosconsole-dbgsym: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-roscpp: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-roscpp-core: 0.6.4-0 -> 0.6.5-0 * ros-lunar-roscpp-dbgsym: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-roscpp-serialization: 0.6.4-0 -> 0.6.5-0 * ros-lunar-roscpp-serialization-dbgsym: 0.6.4-0 -> 0.6.5-0 * ros-lunar-roscpp-traits: 0.6.4-0 -> 0.6.5-0 * ros-lunar-roscpp-tutorials: 0.8.0-0 -> 0.8.1-0 * ros-lunar-roscpp-tutorials-dbgsym: 0.8.0-0 -> 0.8.1-0 * ros-lunar-roscreate: 1.14.0-0 -> 1.14.1-0 * ros-lunar-rosdiagnostic: 1.9.0-0 -> 1.9.2-0 * ros-lunar-rosgraph: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-roslang: 1.14.0-0 -> 1.14.1-0 * ros-lunar-roslaunch: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-roslib: 1.14.0-0 -> 1.14.1-0 * ros-lunar-roslib-dbgsym: 1.14.0-0 -> 1.14.1-0 * ros-lunar-roslisp: 1.9.20-0 -> 1.9.21-0 * ros-lunar-roslz4: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-roslz4-dbgsym: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rosmake: 1.14.0-0 -> 1.14.1-0 * ros-lunar-rosmaster: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rosmsg: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rosnode: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rosout: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rosout-dbgsym: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rospack: 2.4.1-0 -> 2.4.2-0 * ros-lunar-rospack-dbgsym: 2.4.1-0 -> 2.4.2-0 * ros-lunar-rosparam: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rospy: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rospy-tutorials: 0.8.0-0 -> 0.8.1-0 * ros-lunar-rosservice: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rostest: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rostime: 0.6.4-0 -> 0.6.5-0 * ros-lunar-rostime-dbgsym: 0.6.4-0 -> 0.6.5-0 * ros-lunar-rostopic: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rosunit: 1.14.0-0 -> 1.14.1-0 * ros-lunar-roswtf: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-rqt-controller-manager: 0.11.5-0 -> 0.12.0-0 * ros-lunar-rqt-graph: 0.4.8-0 -> 0.4.9-0 * ros-lunar-rqt-image-view: 0.4.8-0 -> 0.4.9-0 * ros-lunar-rqt-image-view-dbgsym: 0.4.8-0 -> 0.4.9-0 * ros-lunar-rqt-joint-trajectory-controller: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-rqt-tf-tree: 0.5.7-0 -> 0.5.8-0 * ros-lunar-rviz: 1.12.10-0 -> 1.12.13-0 * ros-lunar-rviz-dbgsym: 1.12.10-0 -> 1.12.13-0 * ros-lunar-self-test: 1.9.0-0 -> 1.9.2-0 * ros-lunar-self-test-dbgsym: 1.9.0-0 -> 1.9.2-0 * ros-lunar-smclib: 1.7.19-0 -> 1.8.0-0 * ros-lunar-test-diagnostic-aggregator: 1.9.0-0 -> 1.9.2-0 * ros-lunar-tf: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0 * ros-lunar-tf-conversions: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0 * ros-lunar-tf-conversions-dbgsym: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0 * ros-lunar-tf-dbgsym: 1.11.8-0 -> 1.11.9-0 * ros-lunar-tf2: 0.5.15-0 -> 0.5.16-0 * ros-lunar-tf2-bullet: 0.5.15-0 -> 0.5.16-0 * ros-lunar-tf2-dbgsym: 0.5.15-0 -> 0.5.16-0 * ros-lunar-tf2-eigen: 0.5.15-0 -> 0.5.16-0 * ros-lunar-tf2-geometry-msgs: 0.5.15-0 -> 0.5.16-0 * ros-lunar-tf2-kdl: 0.5.15-0 -> 0.5.16-0 * ros-lunar-tf2-msgs: 0.5.15-0 -> 0.5.16-0 * ros-lunar-tf2-py: 0.5.15-0 -> 0.5.16-0 * ros-lunar-tf2-py-dbgsym: 0.5.15-0 -> 0.5.16-0 * ros-lunar-tf2-ros: 0.5.15-0 -> 0.5.16-0 * ros-lunar-tf2-ros-dbgsym: 0.5.15-0 -> 0.5.16-0 * ros-lunar-tf2-sensor-msgs: 0.5.15-0 -> 0.5.16-0 * ros-lunar-tf2-tools: 0.5.15-0 -> 0.5.16-0 * ros-lunar-topic-tools: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-topic-tools-dbgsym: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-transmission-interface: 0.11.5-0 -> 0.12.0-0 * ros-lunar-transmission-interface-dbgsym: 0.11.5-0 -> 0.12.0-0 * ros-lunar-turtlesim: 0.8.0-0 -> 0.8.1-0 * ros-lunar-turtlesim-dbgsym: 0.8.0-0 -> 0.8.1-0 * ros-lunar-urdf-tutorial: 0.2.5-0 -> 0.3.0-0 * ros-lunar-velocity-controllers: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-velocity-controllers-dbgsym: 0.12.3-0 -> 0.13.0-0 * ros-lunar-xmlrpcpp: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 * ros-lunar-xmlrpcpp-dbgsym: 1.13.0-0 -> 1.13.2-0 ### Removed Packages [0]: Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers: * Aaron Blasdel * Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian * AlexV * Alexis Maldonado * Austin Hendrix * Ben Charrow * Bence Magyar * Brice Rebsamen * D. Hood * Daniel Stonier * Dave Coleman * David V. Lu!! * Davide Faconti * Dirk Thomas * Georg Bartels * Guillaume Autran * Hunter L. Allen * Ioan Sucan * Isaac I. Y. Saito * Jon Binney * Kelsey Hawkins * Koji Terada * Mathias Ldtke * Mathieu Labbe * Michael Ferguson * Michael Grner * Mikael Arguedas * Peter Weissig * Ruben Smits * Russell Toris * Sachin Chitta * Toni Oliver * Tully Foote * Vincent Rabaud * Vincent Rousseau * Vladimir Ermakov --- [Visit Topic](https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-lunar-2017-08-22/2490/1) or reply to this email to respond. If you do not want to receive messages from ros-users please use the unsubscribe link below. 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