ROS Developers Podcast is a podcast for developers who are passionate about ROS. Learn ROS and related technologies. Updated every Monday. If you want to share your ROS research results or experience with more ROS enthusiasts in our podcasts, please contact * [RDP 012: Everything about ROS 2 with Dirk Thomas]( In this episode we talk to Dirk Thomas about ROS 2 and some other details about development tools of ROS 1. He will explain about: * Why roscd bring us to the devel directory instead of to the compilation directory. * Why they decided to change from rosbuild to catkin_make * What can be used ROS buildfarm for * Why ROS 2 is necessary * How to use the ros1_bridge to connect ROS 1 programs with ROS 2 ones * Some examples of ROS 2 applications already working * What is the ROS 2 roadmap * and many more things * [RDP 011: Building Robotics Products With David Crawley]( In this episode we talk to David Crawley founder of Ubiquity Robotics. He will explain about the idea of using built robots for building more complex robotics products and applications. He will also explain about: * What their robotics platform provides off-the-shelf, in terms of hardware and software * Their own ROS distribution for Raspberry Pi * Their already training deep learning network for recognizing common objects from the Raspberry Pi and many more things * [RDP 010: Programming Pepper with ROS for the Robocup with Florian Lier]( In this episode we talk to Florian Lier about what his team ToBI is doing to program Pepper the robot for the Robocup@Home competition. We will explain the whole architecture they are using to program Pepper with ROS for the competition including: * In which computer to run which code * ROS wrappers for NaoQi * How to use a good Pepper simulation using Morse simulator * Which environments to use to develop robot behaviors, and where to find them * How they are integrating with automatic regression tests * [RDP 009: Learning about Gazebo Simulator with Louise Poubel]( In this episode we talk to one of the main developers of the Gazebo simulator: Louise Poubel. She tells us about the ins and outs of Gazebo, how do they organize at OSRF to develop the simulator, why to discard Gazebo 2 and how to install the newest versions. She will also clarify us what are the Ignition libraries and why OSRF is putting so much attention to them for the development of Gazebo. Additionally, she will talk about Gazebo plugins, SDF versus URDF, rendering in Gazebo, skeleton animation and many more things. * [RDP 008: Building Accessible ROSbots With Jack Pien]( In this episode, Jack Pien will talk about how to use accessible robots based on ROS and OpenCV to learn robotics. Those robots are called ROSbots and Jack is the creator of them. ROSbots come with ROS and OpenCV installed on a Raspberry Pi onboard the robot, ready for the user to create applications for it using the camera and the motor. The purpose of those robots is to provide hackable robots, on which you can put your hands on, and implement all those robotics algorithms that you study. * [RDP 007: Making Aibo Walk Again With ROS With Cecilio Angulo]( In this session of The ROS Developers Podcast, I chat with Cecilio Angulo, associate professor at Technical University of Catalonia and director of the Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research Center. We will talk about a project he started to bring Aibo robot back to life again by using ROS. He talks about how the whole thing started and why. Then he describes the different parts implemented in the Aibo ROSification and how the Aibo simulation in Gazebo is important for the development. He also describes the application that makes several Aibo imitate to each other by connecting all of them through a ROS node, as well as the modules for accessing different sensors of Aibo. Finally, we talk about how to make a ROSified Aibo reproduce the famous MTN (motion) files that Sone generated containing predefined movements. * [RDP 006: Using ROS for Industrial Projects With Carlos Rosales]( In this episode of The ROS Developers Podcast, we chat with Carlos Rosales, CTO of Beta Robots a company dedicated to apply ROS into real life industrial projects. He talks about the simulation model of the softhand, an open source hand with 5 fingers that is flexible and that absorbs collisions. He will also talk about different projects he and his company have been involved including industrial manipulators, perception and grasping. Finally he will provide some information about the Master of Robotics he is doing, including some links to the git of the master and the slides. * [RDP 005: Learning about the Open Stack Of Tasks for Humanoids With Enrico Mingo Hoffman]( In this episode, we interview Enrico Mingo Hoffman, postdoc researcher at the Humanoids & Human Centered Mechatronics Lab of the Italian Institute of Technology.He will talk about their open implementation of the Stack of Tasks for the whole body control of humanoid (and non-humanoid) robots. He will also explain how their development environment at the lab works, and will discuss some differences between ROS and YARP, another framework for robot programming developed at Italy. He will end suggesting about the creation of an OSRF Europe. Do not miss that! * [RDP 004: Using Docker to Cross-Compile ROS With Francisco Martin]( In this episode, we interview Francisco Martin, associated professor at the University Juan Carlos I in Madrid, where he teaches robotics by using ROS. He is also a participant of the Robocup and the ROCKin competitions. He will explain how have they hacked Pepper the robot by means of using docker machines to cross-compile ROS code for Pepper. Francisco will also tell us about with research work on applying cognitive architectures to the control of robots, using ROS Plan inside Pepper to figure out the situation of the robot. * [RDP 003: Programming With ROS For The Robocup With Sam Pfeiffer]( In this session of The ROS Developers Podcast, we chat with Sam Pfeiffer, who is a PhD student at University of Technology, Sydney where he leads the team of the University that goes to the Robocup with the Pepper robot. Among other things, he will explain us how he ROSified Pepper for that competition. He will also talk about how other participants of the competition are using Deep Learning to win, and how you can do that with ROS. Finally, he will recommend us some useful tools for programming with ROS, like for example a tool that he coded himself that allows to identify the ROS messages used by a remote ROS system, and create automatically a definition for the ones that your system does not have, so you can talk to the remote ROS system. * [RDP 002: Programming Field Service Robots With Ryan Gariepy]( In this episode, Ryan Gariepy CTO of Clearpath Robotics talks about how they use ROS for field service robots. He will explain how he uses vim for coding with ROS their field service robots. He will also express his point of view about the current status of ROS based on his large experience on using ROS for real life service robots. Finally, he will give some recommendations to the new comers and indicate that there is a huge future with ROS at Clearpath. By the way they are hiring! * [RDP 001: Programming Human Size Humanoid Robots With Luca Marchionni]( In this episode, Luca Marchionni CTO of Pal Robotics talks about how they use ROS for their humanoid robots. He will specifically describe how they achieved to control with ROS a human size humanoid robot that walks and required real time control. He will also reveal how they attached the NASA Space Robotics Challenge in order to reach third position at the competition. Finally, he will recommend one tool for ROS developers that helps them in their daily life as ROS developers. --- [Visit Topic]( or reply to this email to respond. If you do not want to receive messages from ros-users please use the unsubscribe link below. If you use the one above, you will stop all of ros-users from receiving updates. ______________________________________________________________________________ ros-users mailing list Unsubscribe: