[quote="gbiggs, post:4, topic:5841"] Im guessing that this workshop will be *very* well attended. [/quote] I sure am hoping so! We haven't been told our room/capacity yet; I'm guessing the comity is still waiting on reported registrations before allocating convention space. The last time I attended the IROS tutorial/workshop sessions in Hamburg, the sessions attendance ranged widely, from 15 to 60 people. Although, I mostly attended smaller niche sessions, like repeatability and repeatability in robotics, and perhaps its grown bigger since then. [quote="gbiggs, post:4, topic:5841"] IROS itself doesnt appear to need registration for a particular workshop other than checking the I plan to attend box. Do you have a plan for how to perform the tutorial if it is very crowded? [/quote] I've asked the committee to ensure the room is equipped with enough internet bandwidth for the session. However, in the tutorial materials, I'm going to encourage attendees pre-install/download the appropriate debs and/or docker images before arriving, given a solid network connection at a congested conference should never be taken for granted. Yet I suspect many will still arrive without preparing, so I plan on keeping signed docker image tarballs on some cheap USB drives just for this case. For some of the local demos, I also plan on bringing our own WiFi router to host the honeypot robot. I've also sent some requests to Robotis and The Construct to see if they'd like to lend a few TB3s and virtual environments to help scale the demo for the number of attendees. [quote="Roser, post:5, topic:5841, full:true"] Its better if it can be live to broadcast to those who cant join the session on site. is it possible ? [/quote] I'm not sure I'll be able to live stream this, but I do plan on screen recording the presenters with audio to upload later, but would really hope folks come and join in person, as we're allocating quite bit of time towards the end for security discussions and Q/A. I'd like to hear what everyone has to say on some current development issues. --- [Visit Topic](https://discourse.ros.org/t/sros2-tutorial-iros-2018/5841/6) or reply to this email to respond. If you do not want to receive messages from ros-users please use the unsubscribe link below. If you use the one above, you will stop all of ros-users from receiving updates. ______________________________________________________________________________ ros-users mailing list ros-users@lists.ros.org http://lists.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users Unsubscribe: