Perception includes very important components on ROS, there are 30 useful packages exist on but not available on ROS2. Some topics people discussed to ask about the porting status (, [Porting Image Pipeline to ROS2](, some developers may like to contribute. Not found an overall plan for RO2 perception porting, so just did some search and summarized here **to show which are available for ros2, and which are not start that people could contribute to**. Hope this will be helpful. If the information is not up-to-date, please share comments, I'll continuously update it. Original repositories: ROS2 Perception: (updated on 9/30) 1. [ar_track_alvar]( - Not start 2. [slam_karto]( - Not start 3. [open_karto]( - Not start 4. [opencv_apps]( - Not start 5. [image_pipeline]( - **Started** (code not upstream) * Issue: ( 6. [image_common]( - **In Progress** (partial Done) * Image_transport **Done** - 7. [openslam_gmapping]( - Not Planed 8. [image_transport_plugins]( - **Done** 9. [perception_pcl]( - No planed 10. [sparse_bundle_adjustment]( - not start 11. [vision_opencv]( - **In Progress** * cv-bridge **Done** * Image-geometry **Done** 12. [laser_filters]( - not start 13. [laser_proc]( - not start 14. [imu_pipeline]( - not start 15. [laser_geometry]( - not start 16. [laser_assembler]( - not start 17. [ pointcloud_to_laserscan]( - not start 18. [laser_pipeline]( - not start 19. [pcl_conversions]( - [deprecated] moved to [perception_pcl]( 20. [laser_pipeline]( - not start 21. [depthimage_to_laserscan]( - not start 22. [slam_gmapping]( - not start 23. [calibration]( - not start 24. [pcl_msgs]( - not start 25. [camera_info_manager_py]( - not start 26. [graft]( - not start 27. [ slam_gmapping_test_data]( - not start 28. [megatree]( - not start 29. [camera_pose]( - not start 30. [pcl-fuerte]( - Ignore --- [Visit Topic]( or reply to this email to respond. If you do not want to receive messages from ros-users please use the unsubscribe link below. If you use the one above, you will stop all of ros-users from receiving updates. ______________________________________________________________________________ ros-users mailing list Unsubscribe: