[quote="clalancette, post:4, topic:6872, full:true"] I havent actually seen anything on whether the Graviton processor supports 32-bit mode (its an optional extension for ARMv8); does anyone know if it does? [/quote] I was able to build ros-kinetic-catkin using the ros_buildfarm `generate_release_script.py` on an a1.medium instance. Build performance wasn't bad. Python 3 performance on the host seemed (mostly generating the build script) seemed dramatically worse than amd64. Taking 20-25 seconds instead of 3-5 seconds. So it looks like armv7 instructions are supported by these instances. --- [Visit Topic](https://discourse.ros.org/t/official-docker-images-for-ros2-crystal-and-arm32v7/6872/6) or reply to this email to respond. If you do not want to receive messages from ros-users please use the unsubscribe link below. If you use the one above, you will stop all of ros-users from receiving updates. ______________________________________________________________________________ ros-users mailing list ros-users@lists.ros.org http://lists.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users Unsubscribe: