Greetings, I am trying to get a ROS install on an Intel Aero Compute board that is distributed with a yocto platform. I've tried two different approaches. One approach is the cross-compilation method mentioned here: However, after setting up the environment an attempting to `bitbake roslaunch` I get an error that says: `ERROR: Nothing RPROVIDES 'python-pyyaml' (but /home/xyz/devel/meta-ros/recipes-ros/ros-comm/ RDEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)` I've done a bit of searching, but I haven't been able to determine a reasonable solution. The second method I've attempted is a source installation: Since the compute board has a dev envorment this seemed reasonable. Unfortunately, `rosdep update` cannot determine the OS. I'm not sure which OS would be the most suitable. Anyway, any solution on continuing down either path would be appreciated. --- [Visit Topic]( or reply to this email to respond. If you do not want to receive messages from ros-users please use the unsubscribe link below. If you use the one above, you will stop all of ros-users from receiving updates. ______________________________________________________________________________ ros-users mailing list Unsubscribe: