For the initial development of ROS 2 we used the forked repo [ros2/rosdistro]( in order to keep it separate from [ros/rosdistro]( This enabled us to iterate quickly on standard / format changes without affecting the stability of ROS 1 distributions. Since that initial phase a lot of the involved pieces have stabilized and also aligned with ROS 1. E.g. both repos use [REP 153]( now and package manifests are consistently parsed by `catkin_pkg` (even though that naming is a bit confusing in the context of ROS 2). Therefore it is time to reintegrate the two repos. Please see [#492]( for more details. We will start with the transition soon. For users this change should be transparent (if we didn't miss anything). And maintainers of ROS 2 packages won't need to set a custom `ROSDISTRO_INDEX_URL` anymore which will get rid of the only custom step for blooming ROS 2 packages. If you notice any issues related to this change please let us know here or on the references ticket. --- [Visit Topic]( or reply to this email to respond. If you do not want to receive messages from ros-users please use the unsubscribe link below. If you use the one above, you will stop all of ros-users from receiving updates. ______________________________________________________________________________ ros-users mailing list Unsubscribe: