[quote="Dejan_Pangercic, post:33, topic:8139"] **Note** : I do not really understand what benefit will splitting and re-organizing of Autoware.AI repo have. Since the plan is to transform it into a sandbox in 12-18 months from now, I really do not think that we spend our resources here very wisely. [/quote] It will aide with the transition between Autoware.AI and Autoware.Auto, although it is not essential for this. [quote="Dejan_Pangercic, post:33, topic:8139"] * core_localization [/quote] Part of perception, as I understand it. [quote="Dejan_Pangercic, post:33, topic:8139"] * core_decision_making [/quote] Part of planning. [quote="Dejan_Pangercic, post:33, topic:8139"] * examples/demos/tutorials [/quote] Yes, this is potentially necessary. [quote="Dejan_Pangercic, post:33, topic:8139"] * thirdparty [/quote] Depends on what is in there. I'd prefer not to be managing someone else's code if we can find a better way to use it. [quote="Dejan_Pangercic, post:33, topic:8139"] Do we really plan to write our own visualization code and not use e.g. rviz, xviz, rqt_plot, etc.? With that all that we would need to save are visualization config files. [/quote] Not to my knowledge, but I wouldn't be surprised to see, for example, custom renderers for custom data. [quote="Dejan_Pangercic, post:33, topic:8139"] I claim that it is actually even easier to design and define cleaner and minimal interfaces. [/quote] I don't think the repository organisation affects how minimal the interfaces are. I do think that if interfaces are in a separate repository it is mentally enforced that interface declaration is separate from implementation, but I wouldn't separate the repositories solely for this. [quote="Dejan_Pangercic, post:33, topic:8139"] you do not need a feature and code freeze when doing releases, these can both be one [/quote] I think this applies to any number of repositories. It's a function of the branching model. [quote="Dejan_Pangercic, post:33, topic:8139"] single entry point for developer, all work for developers is in one place [/quote] Achievable with an organisation, although I agree it is not as straight-forward. [quote="Dejan_Pangercic, post:33, topic:8139"] much easier to co-host documentation and code in one repo and actually make checks against changed code (e.g. changed executable names, APIs, ) [/quote] If we split the repository, my goal is that each can be treated as an individual black-box unit with its own API and documentation. [quote="Dejan_Pangercic, post:33, topic:8139"] much better traceability from feature request, design document, code, tests, PR and CI. [/quote] Can you provide some examples? I believe it is possible to achieve traceability across multiple repositories as well, but I am concerned about the amount of manual work that may be involved. It's also possible that much of this may be a tooling problem (especially the CI). [quote="Dejan_Pangercic, post:33, topic:8139"] easier to extract activity report (commits, branch graph, analytics, ) [/quote] I don't think this really changes if you have one or multiple repositories. [quote="Dejan_Pangercic, post:33, topic:8139"] easier user/organization management [/quote] Organisations fix this, too. Plus as @dirk-thomas said if you want to restrict permissions to just part of the code then it is easier with multiple repositories. [quote="Dejan_Pangercic, post:33, topic:8139"] if you split packages as proposed above you can modules independently and then re-use artifacts from previous builds => we are doing this [/quote] Yes, as I said above I want to get nightly binary building going eventually. I don't see this as an argument either way, but it is *easier* to do with split repositories if you can treat each repository as a single unit. [quote="Dejan_Pangercic, post:33, topic:8139"] amount of issues/PRS can be mitigated by someone like you @gbiggs [/quote] The rest of my life just became startlingly clear. [quote="Dejan_Pangercic, post:33, topic:8139"] as @davetcoleman mentioned this is a limitation of bloom [/quote] On the other hand, with 131 packages releasing all of them individually would suck so splitting repositories and then being able to several repositories is nice. [quote="Dejan_Pangercic, post:33, topic:8139"] We are more than happy to share what we developed for our internal mono repo in terms of layout and CI. [/quote] Please do so, it will contribute to the discussion and help us make a better-informed decision. --- [Visit Topic](https://discourse.ros.org/t/splitting-the-autoware-ai-repository-and-changing-the-organisation/8139/34) or reply to this email to respond. If you do not want to receive messages from ros-users please use the unsubscribe link below. If you use the one above, you will stop all of ros-users from receiving updates. ______________________________________________________________________________ ros-users mailing list ros-users@lists.ros.org http://lists.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users Unsubscribe: