Jeremy, >Are there images on any of the other image_proc topics?  image_mono, > or image_rect for example Nope, doing 'rosrun image_view image_view image:=/left/camera/image_mono' doesn't work and neither do any of the other image_proc topics. I get a blank window with no image in it. > Are there actually no publications, or is the image just empty?  what > does: "rostopic hz test_camera/camera/image_color" tell you? Trying that: eric@ericps-apple:~$ rostopic hz /left/camera/image_color subscribed to [/left/camera/image_color] and no other output, so it just subscribes to the topic then sits and waits. > What do you get if you run "rostopic echo > /test_camera/camera/image_raw.encoding". > > I'm wondering if the raw image is possibly coming in with an encoding > that image_proc doesn't know how to handle. eric@ericps-apple:~$ rostopic echo /left/camera/image_raw.encoding WARNING: topic [/left/camera/image_raw.encoding] does not appear to be published yet That seems like it could be a problem... what does image_proc do if there is no encoding being published? Can image_view handle viewing images without an encoding specified but image_proc needs one in order to function? > Could you also "rostopic echo /test_camera/camera/camera_info" and > send the contents of that with your next message?  If the camera > calibration matrices aren't being populated correctly that could also > explain image_proc failing. Output from 'rostopic echo /left/camera/camera_info': header: seq: 9696 stamp: 0 frame_id: /left height: 480 width: 640 roi: x_offset: 0 y_offset: 0 height: 0 width: 0 D: [0.0767399, -45.545000000000002, -0.0082900200000000004, -0.0049552199999999998, 0.0] K: [3393.8000000000002, 0.0, 286.39699999999999, 0.0, 3381.29, 290.20400000000001, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] R: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] P: [3393.8000000000002, 0.0, 286.39699999999999, 0.0, 0.0, 3381.29, 290.20400000000001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] That info matches up with the .yaml file I posted a few messages ago that the driver should be loading to get calibration data. > Lastly, I don't suppose there are any warnings or errors being > published to rosout? I haven't seen any warnings beyond the one I got after trying to echo the encoding as above. If it helps, I have attached the contents of the logging directory for the launch I did to test all of these things. - Eric On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 7:55 PM, Jeremy Leibs wrote: > On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 11:31 AM, Jack O'Quin wrote: >> On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 11:30 AM, Jeremy Leibs wrote: > >>> >>> Do you have a downstream node subscribed to one of the processed image topics? >> >> I did not, and that was the cause of the "failure" to subscribe. >> >> Running image_view on the image_color output does indeed cause >> image_proc to subscribe to image_raw. Unfortunately, there are still >> no messages published on image_color, so that display window is blank. >> >> But, that seems to get me closer to reproducing Eric's original problem. >> >> Thanks, Jeremy! >> >> I can still view the original image_raw topic, so the driver does seem to work. >> >> Further suggestions are (always) welcome... > > Couple of other things to try: > > Are there images on any of the other image_proc topics?  image_mono, > or image_rect for example > > Are there actually no publications, or is the image just empty?  what > does: "rostopic hz test_camera/camera/image_color" tell you? > > What do you get if you run "rostopic echo > /test_camera/camera/image_raw.encoding". > > I'm wondering if the raw image is possibly coming in with an encoding > that image_proc doesn't know how to handle. > > Could you also "rostopic echo /test_camera/camera/camera_info" and > send the contents of that with your next message?  If the camera > calibration matrices aren't being populated correctly that could also > explain image_proc failing. > > Lastly, I don't suppose there are any warnings or errors being > published to rosout? > > Good luck! > --Jeremy > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > >